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  • #41398
    Simon Marks
      Simon Marks

        Hello to you all.

        I am a semi-retired electrical/electronics engineer with a secret passion for oily fingers.

        I have a small (16' by 8&#39 workshop at the bottom of my garden where I run an old Myford ML7 and Warco WM18B along with various other bits and pieces.

        Currently I am installing servo motors to the mill to provide power feeds but with an eye on full CNC capability sometime in the future. Once this part is complete I plan to turn my attention to updating the lathe.

        I would love to get a gear head machine but the size and weight would make this a mammoth task as access is severely limited. Short of getting a crane to swing it over my house I will have to settle for something more manageable hence I have been looking at the Warco WM290V which seems to be quite popular on here. I was wondering if anyone owning this machine had done an electronic lead screw conversion such as the one developed by James Clough.

        My reasons for this are that, other than routine maintenance, it would limit the necessity to access the change gear end of the machine so I could position it tighter to a wall. Longer stock would be dealt with by a strategically positioned hole.

        I would love to hear from anyone who runs this machine and anyone who has done a leadscrew conversion.



        John Hinkley

          Hello, Simon and welcome to the forum. I'm sure you will be able to receive a lot of useful advice from the fellow members

          As regards your specific query I remember at least one contributor who has fitted an ELS to their Myford lathe, so hopefully they will be along soon to give you some guidance. In the meantime, I have fitted an ELS, and specifically one using James Cough's proprietry parts to my lathe , which is very similar in size to the Myford ML7, although it was manufactured a little further east of Beeston. There is a brief description of the process in my album here:

          Fitting an ELS to my lathe

          And a rather more comprehensive series of videos on YouTube, here


          It was reasonably straight forward to do, though I did have some awkwardness with some of the wiring. Someone with your background should breeze through that, I would think.

          Anyway good luck with the project, you will find it an invaluable addition to your lathe, as I certainly have. Beats changing gear sets hands down, both for metric and Imperial threads as well as the ability to alter feed rates on-the-fly and producing left- or right-hand threads at the push of a button.



          Edited By John Hinkley on 29/03/2023 19:56:20

          Howard Lewis


            You will find lots of help here with your queries.

            If you haven't already, find a local model engineering society. You may find soimeone else there whom has done what you wantb to do, or can help and advise.

            Wherev are younlocated?


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