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  • #635969
    John Nortje 1


      I'm a new member. I currently own a little Emco SL lathe and have used it for making those odd bits that you can't purchase. I’ve made small models on it but nothing too adventurous.

      I'm looking at getting a larger lathe and taking on some higher tolerance models such as a Stirling engine. Size of the lathe will depend on how much space I can free up in the garage.


      John Nortje 1
        David George 1

          Hi John welcome to the forum. Where are you based as it helps to suggest local supliers etc. There is pleanty of information on here do a search this site for information as this is already asked and there is a box at the top of this page to do that. But ask away and also maybe you have information to help others as well.


          Chris Evans 6

            Welcome along John. I am a motorcycle tinkerer rather than a model maker but this forum is a goldmine of experience and knowledge.


            noel shelley

              Hello John, and welcome ! You have come to the right place, some of us have rather LARGE models. For questions, just ask – someone on here will have an answer ! Interesting family name, Netherlands ? Best wishes Noel.

              Howard Lewis

                Welcome to the Forum

                Always something good to read on here.

                It is always helpful to know wh ere you are. in case someone needs yourm help or a face to face talk.


                Harry Wilkes

                  Welcome to the forum, I managed to shoehorn a Myford super 7 into my workshop (shed) however when I'm in there I know what a astronaut feels like in the cockpit wink



                    A Unimat SL was what got me going, a great little starter lathe

                    Good luck in your quest and welcome to the nuthouse

                    Paul McDonough

                      “Just starting out again”, returning to this hobby after a 40 year layoff.
                      my main interest is in building things for my other hobbies, but to give me some focus I am building a small oscillator which is proving to be more of a challenging than anticipated

                      trying not to buy too much in the way of material and tools, but the drip feed of things i suddenly find I need is a bit wearing, especially when the boss says “I know that you bought the lathe second hand but you are making up for it now!”

                      looking forward to my next project which I must arrange to collect soon.

                      thanks to everyone who has helped me with my questions so far,with any luck I hope to be able to help others one day.

                      John Nortje 1

                        Thank you to all for the warm welcome. I was thinking of joining one of the local steam clubs but have yet to get round to them. The main advantage being they they (hopefully) have the really big machine tools and projects lined up. But it's always nice to have some tooling at home that to access when you need.

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