This post has brought some valid points up though in that another mag will dilute the subscription pool, by how much is hard to say.
There are always subscribers moving, leaving and joining all the while.
I feel the same applies to shows but more so as they are not so regular and the cost is higher than a subscription.
Just my take on it but there are too many shows at present and more being offered.
If you look at the build up of a show it’s three sided, like a triangle.
You have models and clubs, lets just call these models ? Trade and stands and gate money.
All are required for a show because the show has to make money or break even,
Take one side of the triangle away and the other two sides fall flat. Gate money is always needed.
Models are needed to get the interest level up but they do not contribute to the running of the show. In some ways they are a drain because of the free tickets handed out to the exhibitors.
Trade is needed because they contribute the bulk of working capital.
The problem, and again this is my personal take on this, is that whilst money is tight, trade has to make cuts. Do they or do they not go to a show ?
If they don’t, their competitors will reap their rewards, if they do go can they break even ?
If they don’t go they can save a lot of money, remember most have to shut up shop and loose phone, internet and passing trade whilst they are away.
The Internet is now far bigger than it was a few years ago and will continue to grow and the lack of travelling, hotels, overtime wages etc can enable them to keep prices down.
Shows need trade to survive, Pickering proved this, the trade basically boycotted it and it folded. We do not need more shows but condense what we have. Sandown in December in London followed by Ally Pally in London in January is far too big a strain on resources.
John S.