Welcome to the Forum.
If you have not already done so, find a loacl M E Society and join.
There you will find like minded folk, who can help with advice, and possibly face to face guidance or demonstartion.
If you are new to machining, do not rush into model building.
Learn somed of the techniqies of machining and lathe work first.
Bettrer to make a mistake on a bit of 12 mm steel bar than a casting from a kit
FWIW, buy and read some of the books on lathework. What you learn from them will stand you in good stead.
L H Sparey "The Amateur's lathe"
Ian Bradley "The Amateurs's Workshop"
Stan Bray "Basic Lathework"
Harold Hall, "Lathework".
If you have a mini lathe
Dave Fenner and Neil Wyatt have both written books specific to that sort of machine.
Mini lathes have been manufactured, with slight physical differences, as well as colour schemes, by various Chinese factories, (So parts/ accessopries from one machine may not necessarily fit or be suitable for another.
(In one instance a quick release tailstock from one machine was 5 mm out of line when fitted to another make of mini lathe. ).
Neil has also written another book on Lathework, based on his eperiences with the Sieg SC4.
All will contain good basic information on lathe operation, tool grinding and setting.