Some reactions.
Most people have reacted positively, a few after ‘sleeping on it’ and reading the magazine properly, which is welcome.
For this issue, unlike MEW and ME we actually had full proofreading (Diane and I proofed each other’s content). Clearly a few things still got through, presumably because it was such a huge task pulling the issue together. It may not seem like it, but almost everything was redesigned from the ground up, and many things went through several changes. Hopefully we will get more time for actual; editing and proofing in the future.
The Club News font, in particular, does seem faint. I will check this with the designer.
The paper is the same as for MEW and ME previously. It’s possible that a different designer led to pictures being printed more densely, again something we can look at.
Photo quality, we are beholden to what we are sent by contributors. Some of the material was not ideal, but I felt most images reproduced to a good or at least acceptable standard. This has always been a problem, and I have to accept we will never compete with the likes of National Geographic and BBC Wildlife Magazine…
The actual number of ‘feature pages’ depends on what you consider a ‘feature’ but it increased by at least 25%.
There was considerable overlap between the publications, so feature content could be ME or MEW – so for example, Casting Strakes, Depthing Tool and Comsol were all lined up for MEW in the near future but would not have looked out of place in ME, and hopefully have interested readers of both magazines (that was my intent).
Putting the ampersand in my email wasn’t possible, so is the obvious choice. I know also get anything sent to, use whichever you prefer, but replies will come from mew…
Anyway, it seems most readers think we are moving in the right direction and your feedback will mean a few tweaks in the next issue.
We will be sending out a survey soon, it will be based on articles in the issues of ME and MEW before the change, and will focus on the type of content you want, not design. This is deliberate, as we want to cover a wide range of ME and MEW content, not just what was in the first ME&W. Please look out for the survey.
Many thanks all,