I like your front page – it seems brighter, less cluttered, less fonts(?)….and the Bar Code thingy is much neater. Overall, a step in the right direction. Marks 7/10 😉
A story…my nephew and his 10 yr old son visited me recently. I showed the boy my Stuart Beam engine…he couldn’t believe such a thing existed…he was fascinated. I slowly spun the 7″ flywheel with my finger (…it wasn’t powered) and all the other parts of the engine kicked in to action. For the rest of the visit he sat next to the engine moving the flywheel himself, asking good questions and just being absolutely taken by such a machine.
It was almost as if kids his age never get exposed to such machinery…which of course is now the case. This may be one of the reasons there is no ‘new generation’ of readers for the magazines….kids these days have no knowledge or experience of the hobby.
However, from Jason’s recent video of the USA Show, things would appear perhaps to be different in other countries. Is this mainly a UK thing then ie the lack of exposure of the hobby to youngsters?
I was brought up on a farm so saw and heard a lot of machinery, and my Dad answered all my tech questions no matter how many I threw at him.
But these days kids live in a different world of iPhones, PlayStations etc. Everything now seems to reach their brains through an LED screen.