John : I can tell you now that this lathe will not take a 1.0mm cut on aluminium. It seems to struggle with 0.3mm but I will experiment more tomorrow.
Peter : looks like their translator got confused in compiling the catalogue !
Bayzle : I will not be finding any 4 jaw chucks to fit this lathe in Australia. I doubt that this lathe is a big seller here. Most people seem to go for the Sieg machines as you can get a 7 X 12 for the same price as this small lathe.
Yes, I agree that the junior hacksaw blades seem to be just as hard as the larger ones.
I went to Hopper's place today (Thank you Peter) and he was able to cut a longer angle tool to get in closer to the dead centre. The Arceuro tools are good high quality steel and if there is a problem in the cutting then the problem is with me 
Here is my first finished mandrel. The unthreaded bush is 5.95mm in diameter which may be too small and I am still not happy with the fit. I will cut a few more holes in something tomorrow and check it. Cutting the 6mm thread was surprisingly easy by placing the die holder against the tailstock and forcing it against the shaft while turning the lathe chuck by hand. (NEXT JOB : spindle handle for the lathe !) Cutting a thread on steel is probably more difficult.
NOTE : total length is 100mm, major shaft 60mm long and 15.5mm diameter, minor shaft unthreaded 18mm long and threaded minor shaft is 22mm.
I will be making another one in aluminium and then try to make one from steel too.

Edited By Brian John on 08/09/2015 14:14:02
Edited By Brian John on 08/09/2015 14:19:25