I started to make some reducing cuts on the mandrel (first photo). Once I get down to 10mm then the dead centre gets in the way. How do I get around this ? What I was doing last time was putting the cutting tool at 45 degree angle to do the right hand end and then putting it back to 90 degrees to finish up to the shoulder. This seems a bit clumsy and maybe I am missing something ?
I also cut up some 25mm aluminium bar (second photo) which I bought from the scrap yard for a few dollars as I thought it might be useful. I used the jig saw fitted with a metal cutting blade. Even though it was aluminium it still took a long time ! How would you cut metal of this thickness. I also have some 40mm aluminium and some 30mm brass ; I am not looking forward to cutting this up ! I really must buy a fixed steady so that I can machine large diameters like this.

Edited By Brian John on 06/09/2015 08:28:56
Edited By Brian John on 06/09/2015 08:29:32
Edited By Brian John on 06/09/2015 08:31:25
Edited By Brian John on 06/09/2015 08:32:09