Brians lathe has 7.85mm +0 -0.3mm height form the tool seat to the centre line of the spindle and a 12mm holder.
I would be rather surprised if that wont take a 10mm tipped boring bar. Maybe some one could measure the tip height on one for him. It's best to buy that sort of thing with tips if you can. Often works out cheaper. Eg
And if it's a touch too high it's always possible to file some off the bottom or better still mill some off. The Taig vertical slide can often be fitted to a lathe some how or the other. Neil and me will vouch for it's quality and rigidity. The "vice" that comes with it is even good for various sizes of things. Looks crude but works well.
For the sort of work it sounds like Brian will be doing something more flexible will be needed. I used various sizes of these in the past but generally because I was machining cast iron.
There are also some round solid hss bars about with a bent / forged end. They need grinding as the ends are generally too wide. This is the type
Really though round HSS is just as good. Typically grind the cutting top down to 1/2 the dia and then relief along the side. It's possible to make a holder for these on the lathe. Put a block of whatever usually m/s in the tool holder and drill via one in the chuck.
For max flexibility on hole size HSS tool bits are more or less essential. I'd suggest 1/4" sq bits and maybe some larger sized bits for Brian's lathe. I'll come back with an example shortly.