Things are going well now. I did come across one problem today when the tailstock jammed up while I was trying to drill some holes. I pulled it apart and found that swarf had got in there : between parts 402 (pinole…centre sleeve) and 416 (tailstock body). I would never have thought swarf could get in there ! Anyway, I learned a new word ''pinole'' 
I made some new, larger handles from aluminium for the lathe and this has made a big difference ; it is much easy to turn all three wheels now. The old piddly, little handles and one new handle are in front of the lathe. You can also see the wax chucks and the discs I cut from them. That went very well and this will be my usual method for facing small parts.
Hopper has worked some real magic on this machine….many thanks.

Edited By Brian John on 12/11/2015 07:00:30
Edited By Brian John on 12/11/2015 07:04:29