A. The tool tip is in line with the tip of the dead centre of the tail stock ; it was the first thing I did when setting up the lathe.
that should be OK
B. So clockwise direction looking from the headstock from the headstock. That is ''R'' on my lathe. The opposite direction is marked ''L". I think I was using both directions today !
The tools you have are designed to be used at the front of the lathe with the metal being pushed down onto them.
C. I am not using a centre drill. This is a spotting drill which a different thing altogether. I was led to believe that the centre drills are only used to make a shaped hole in the end of the work piece for the tailstock to sit in. Correct me if I am wrong ?
Spotting drills are better then centre drills for starting holes, but you can use centre drills.
D. I was not using any lubricant as I thought it would not be necessary with aluminium.
Not necessary, but you can use a cutting fluid.
E. I am not using the automatic feed as I want to get used to using the hand wheels and get to know which direction things move in. I also need to be very careful about staying away from the chuck jaws when machining the outside of the pulley/flywheel.
Wise decision, gives you a better feel for the lathe, too.
> This is a good reason to make a faceplate or a mandrel so I do not have this worry ! Note that Arceuro said their mandrels are not suitable for this purpose as they may break.
Don't worry – most people use chucks as they are much more convenient
F. Too much overhang…noted for tomorrow.
G. I will keep in mind what has been said about footwear. I do not usually wear shoes in the house but I may have to change that policy.
Metal splinters in the foot are 'orrible.
H. I do not want to grind my own tools at this stage. Unless I know exactly what I am doing then I would only be introducing more errors.
Google each of the tools you have and read up on how to use them. Bear in mind the knife tools in y picture above cut on the SIDE of the tip.
Edited By Neil Wyatt on 26/08/2015 17:49:59