I know some who visit this forum also visit my web site occasionally and may find the following of interest.
My web site having grown far beyond what I first envisaged I began to realise the method of finding items in the metalworking section was far from adequate. Basically, I had kept the projects and processes separate and listed them just in the order that I added them to the site. This resulted in them being in totally random order, I am sure many of you have realised this.
I decided therefore that a book style index, being in alphabetical order, would be a great improvement, especially as I was even finding it a problem sometimes to locate a page myself.
In doing this, I have amalgamated both the projects and processes in a single index. However, it is easy to determine if an entry is a project or a process as I have used different coloured buttons with inscriptions that make this clear.
Making the change has also enabled an item to be index with differing titles, typically, “Three jaw chuck soft jaws” and “Soft jaws for a three jaw chuck” making it less important where in the index an item is searched for.
Also, I have now indexed items embedded within pages on another subject. For example, pages mainly on making a Tee slot cutter may have a few paragraphs on hardening and tempering, both can now be listed.
To avoid having to update two listings the original lists have been deleted. However, if you have bookmarked the lists the pages still exist but just with a link to take you to the new indexes.
The task has been a time consuming and complex one and it is almost inevitable that I have made a few errors. Should you find a link takes you nowhere or to the wrong page then do feel free to put me in my place. I will though be double checking the listing over the next few weeks.
Hope you find the new index useful!
The index can be found here.