Following the recent query by ‘Jomac’ and a PM on how I would go about a small I/C engine cylinder I have this morning begun machining the liners for the Etas.
For those who may have an interest this is how I went about it – keep in mind however that this is not offered as the way to do just how I approached it and the reasons behind it. A little background then…….
When the cylinders for the Racers were made I asked on here if anyone had any experience of hardening small liners without distortion as no grinding facilities were at hand. Two main recommendations came out of this – one to use cast iron the other a tough, high tensile steel neither heat treated,. You may recall I tried both in combination with cast iron pistons and both were successful though it has to be said – on these two examples – the high tensile liner has worn better and provides the better seal.
Since making those liners I have spent quite a lot of time reading and talking to others on this issue. Also, over the years I have copied a lot of articles mainly to do with control line aerobatics and all stored in folders. Delving through one specifically on engines I found, tucked away within, an article by George Aldrich on piston and liner set ups.
For those who have never heard the name, George Aldrich, an American modeller is fondly remembered not only as the originator of the classic ‘Nobler’ aerobatic model – still competitive today – but more so was highly respected for his prowess and knowledge on two stroke engines specifically in the speed and aerobatic disciplines. Indeed for several years before he passed away he earnt his living setting up and tuning model engines for modellers world wide.
His article made interesting reading. Entitled ‘CIS set ups’ the CIS referred to Cast Iron in Steel and specifically leaded steel liners left in the soft state (ie not case hardened).
Because of this article and other factors that came to light including one world championship home produced team race motor using a simlar combination I decided to follow suit and use En1a freecutting mildsteel. (I had previously used this on the Nova but that was because of the ease of machining those thin fins and well before I found this article. The piston liner fit on that is as good as you could wish for in a diesel – good compression and no blow by)
As suggested to Jomar the 17.9 bores were done first in the 32mm dia blanks drilling then roughing to 17.5. A light skim was taken over the id then they were replaced to be finish bored. By keeping the wall thickness to the maximum any distortion created by jaw pressure is kept to a minimum, infact on those final cuts the jaws were nipped just sufficient to grip enough to to the job. The boring bar for the final cuts was as large as the clearance would allow
Once the bores were finished the outsides were roughed and then all were mounted on an expanding mandrel for finish turning
Last thing was to make the initial cuts for the transfer ports. Next op is to pierce through at a 25 degree angle which should make for an interesting set up given the limited height available under the spindle
So far so good – four of ’em? – well, just in case theres a boo boo
Hope this is of use to someone
Regards – Ramon