The Forum is a superb source of information and help on all aspects of model engineering, and the many machines, measuring instruments, and techniques.
You will certainly get recommendations / warnings based on the experience of members of equipment, and their uses.
If possible, find a local M E Society and join. In that way, you will meet other enthusiasts face to face (Eventually! ) and maybe even get demonstrations of "How to do it" when you have a problem.
It is not unknown for Forum members to provide face to face help / demonstrations if they are reasonably local to you.
There are lots of users of the Machine Mart mini lathe, and it's clones on here, so lots of help, tips, and accessories to make, on here. Only recently MEW has reprinted an article on such additions.
The mini lathe is sold by various importers in different colour schemes and with different packages, so plenty of scope to pick up ideas.