Ignore me a moment, I’m just testing something
Link from Chain Icon
Below is the auto converted URL to hyperlink shortcut
Latest Activity
I thought so, the above shortcut actually has three different hyperlinks within it.
Top one takes you to actual Latest Activity

The line at the bottom,

Takes you to the very top level of the site
Whereas This

Displays like so


You can’t delete these when they’ve already been posted as above, unlike on the old forum, but you can prevent them being posted in the first place by unchecking this box.

Personally I prefer to show at least one edit notification, but uncheck the box for just correcting typos etc.
p.s. please forgive me for posting this quoted reply in this topic; I was thinking I was still in the constructive suggestions one.
I assume that this topic should really be for Admin for commenting on “New Forum Problems”, rather than members like me adding comments about “New Forum Problems” as in further new problems on this new forum if you see what I mean.