8 January 2025 at 15:41 JasonB Said:
8 January 2025 at 13:42 Plasma Said:
a few tool making projects first, get into the feel of your machines before you start on a precision piece?
Dave, there are some errors in Stuart drawings.
Stap me, another illusion shattered!
If Bryan is reading this, lesson is don’t assume plans are perfect. Not even commercial classics that have been around for more than a century.
No version control or any organised way of correcting or even listing mistakes in hobby world. And it’s a mix of professional and amateur work ranging from perfect to poor. Missing and wrong dimensions, parts that can’t possibly fit together, mislabelling, mixed first and third angle projections, ambiguities, typos, missing lines, unnecessary tolerances etc.
Early LBSC is pretty good, genuinely providing all the ‘words and music’, with few errors, describing engines he’d built and tested. His later work is more conceptual, and maybe was never built. Other loco designers have a mixed reputation. Worth checking here and on the loco forums to see what others have found.
I like to start by modelling parts in 3D-CAD from 2D-drawings as a sanity check. If many parts from the same set of plans are wrong, I model more. In the absence of 3D-CAD paper and pencil work too. Another reason for 3D modelling is it provides strong clues about how things might be made in the workshop.