Hi there Willy, welcome to the forum. That looks a bit like a SPEEDY loco you have there. You might like to have a look at the following site.
As others can see, had a few problems entering the link. Used the "Chain icon" but it included all sorts of other parameters, now the "link" works but not in the normal manner.
Edited By Speedy Builder5 on 23/11/2015 18:45:12
Edited By Speedy Builder5 on 23/11/2015 18:47:01
Edited By Speedy Builder5 on 23/11/2015 18:49:28
Edited By Speedy Builder5 on 23/11/2015 18:50:08
Edited By Speedy Builder5 on 23/11/2015 18:53:19
Edited By Speedy Builder5 on 23/11/2015 18:57:08