Help …………………(pretty please) ………..
Can anyone tell me which magazine issues contained the build series for Malcolm Stride’s Nemmett 15cc engine please?
I’m being driven to distraction by google only throwing up keyword spam or their interpretation of what they think I’m looking for instead of what I specify, I’ve run out of variations on my search theme and given up.
I know the volumes are 196 & 197 at least, and I’ve bought a few copies containing parts of the series via eBay, which have yet to arrive.
Trying to trawl google and the ME indexes is an exercise in futility.
The M.E. indexes are great, but I don’t think all the articles are indexed, or if they are I’ve not found a way to find them,
The search facility on here is worthless too, as nothing comes up at all, you can put Nemmett into the search field on this very forum, and despite there being a ‘Nemmett’ article four lines down on the first page, the search returns ‘nothing found’, how daft is that!
Any help Much appreciated,
Many thanks in advance,
P.S. are any more plans for this engine or variants ever likely to be printed?
Edited By RJW on 03/08/2011 10:14:39