@Nicholas Wheeler
Thank you for the clarifications.
No, I am not going to show this forum the overall design of anything, not least because once it comes to market, you might then want to buy my product and that would be in violation of this forums rules!
You need to let me make my own mistakes, and let what is private stay private.
John Doe
a) Yes, fair point. I shall look out for suppliers who offer a laser-cutting service, next time I am buying materials.
Yes, a good reminder about clamping parts together. I used to do more of that. It sometimes works very well so long as the part is held accurately at 90°.
b) Yes, I use a belt/disk sander, rough & fine hand files, and rough & fine diamond hones
c) In the nicest possible way, I would prefer not to answer that question.
d) You may have a point… but I do already have 3 desk lamps and a 4-way overhead LED room light.
e) Yes, EDM machines are AMAZING. But I dont' have the fixed table-top space, money nor spare time.
Ah I get you re how to use slitting saws. Thanks – good food for thought.
Re hacksawing yes, clamping between 2 boards definitely helps. For longer cuts, what do you do once your cut is deeper than your saw permits? At present I put the hacksaw blade at 45° simply in order to keep cutting. However as I keep finding, it does make cutting straight lines much harder!
@John Hinkley
Good suggestion. Fairly hard to be accurate but when used with a fence it should work OK.
Fwiw, I have a hand nibbler which turns out to make a slight mess of the sheet. I suspect that a powered one would probably work much better. I did a very long cut with one the other day and eventually – even though I was extremely careful and keeping everything dead in line – I was simply too strong for it and broke the tooth off it. I think it didn't like the big curl of steel that was forming due to the length of the cut.
[To get clear, this forum did a hiccup and I lost my other replies. I am not ignoring you others!]
Edited By John Smith 47 on 19/01/2022 12:57:49