I'm here to confess to a less than perfect memory, though the main substance of my post about Myford correspondence was correct. I dug out Dad's old paperwork and found that they had a larger range of spares than I remembered, though they warned that they were only available 'subject to being unsold at the time your order is received' which pretty much proves that they were no longer manufacturing them but only selling existing stock.
The 65 tooth backgear, 1" bore, was available for 16/9d, the 30 tooth backgear, also 1" bore, was a mere 9/= .
Given that (as far as I know) all remaining Myford stock was auctioned off when the original firm closed, well, good luck to anybody who is considering asking the present owners of the name for ML4 spares.
I've copied the letter and associated price lists and put them in my album for anybody who wants to read further.
Anyway; back to the original post. John, I hope that you have been able to sort something out, and I'm sorry that my post led to the thread being derailed somewhat. If you need more help, keep asking.
George B.