The car in the foreground is a replica of Ian Moore,s Shadow it is powered by a mk3 Oliver Tiger minus the mounting lugs.
The advantage that the gearbox gives you over a twin shaft engine is that you can run much bigger tyres for example on a twinshaft diesel 58mm diameter and on the shadow 70mm diameter. Gives you more freedom in designing the car and easier push starting of the car.
The only classes that exist at the moment are for the modern cars and they are restricted to a fuel with 80% methanol and 20% castor oil, so no diesels.
All is not lost a track is being built at the BMFA,s Buckminster site, it's being funded by tether car enthusiasts, the outer running track concrete has been poured and the apron and centre will be poured in the new year. SAM 35 has been involved and it is planned that initially old timer cars will be run, diesel, spark and glow engines classes 1.5cc, 2.5cc, 5cc and 10cc.
A new thread might be a good idea.
Edited By Old School on 29/12/2019 18:57:52
Edited By Old School on 29/12/2019 18:58:49