Myford Toolmex 4 jaw


Myford Toolmex 4 jaw

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  • #105126
    Michael Foden

      Just bought a Toolmex independent 4 jaw from Myford. I was tempted to go for the HBM chuck from RDG tools. But decided on Myford even though it was double the price of the HBM.

      I have owned & used many chucks over the past 25 yrs.- 3 jaw S.C. 4 jaw S.C. and a 4 jaw independent which I sold many years ago.

      The chuck runs fine on the ML10, but I have so far spent almost 3 hours trying to move the jaws. They are gradually becoming easier after much filing of the jaw ways & the jaws themselves. But then I have to reverse them & bed them in again.

      I can't recall these problems with my previous 4 jaw independent.

      I know that Myford is famous for working to close tolerances, but is this normal ?

      Any assistance will be appreciated.


      P.S.  I did post this under workshop tools & tooling, but it seems to have migrated of its own accord.

      Edited By Michael Foden on 30/11/2012 20:10:29

      Michael Foden
        Tony Pratt 1

          Hi Michael, Myford was actually brought by RDG tools last year after they went out of business? As far as I know Myford never actually made lathe chucks but I may be wrong. I thought Toolmex and HBM were actually eastern imports but the Toolmex site is saying it is a US company but I doubt if the chucks are made in America but I stand to be corrected. It's a pity you are having shall we say file to fit but that is par for the course on a lot of tools these days.



            Toolmex used to sell Polish and Czech made chucks and they were very good. Toolmex UK went under and I doubt, as Tony does that the present organisation is as good at sourcing. Personally I would buy TOS brand for the smaller sizes, for me I have not had any questions about them.

            I think I would have sent it back if the jaws were that tight as filing/grinding just to free up the jaws is something not to be contemplated.

            Incidently I have a Ind. 4Jaw Myford Branded Toolmex and it is a sweet as you could wish for.

            Edited By KWIL on 30/11/2012 22:56:30

            Raymond Anderson

              The Toolmex in the UK used to be ToolmexPolmach ,they were main agents for Bison Bail chucks.

              I have both 3 jaw SC and 4 jaw independant Bison's for my GH750 and they are great chucks. I did have a HBM when just starting , absolute crap, needless to say it ended up in the only place that suited it "a skip".




                I wonder if there are different qualities of Toolmex chucks. You say it was double the HBM price which would make it approx £180 yet 100mm Toolmex 4 jaws from the likes of Rotagrip and MSC/J&L come out at £300-£350. and that is for recess mount, I would expect to pay more for a threaded body.


                The other thing to watch now is that some of the chucks have a badge that looks a lot like the Bison/toolmex one, the sharp brand is one of these



                Edited By JasonB on 01/12/2012 07:34:39


                  Michael, you say that you have just bought the new chuck from Myford. Why on earth are you filing and messing about with the thing? Treat it as you would a new washing machine…….if it doesn't work send it back. Get Myford to change it or give you a refund. I bet your wife wouldn't let you attack her new washing machine or dishwasher if it didn't work.

                  I bought some stuff from Myford a couple of months ago and they were only too pleased to change it when I complained. They have no interest in selling inferior parts, but like everybody these days they do not do a functionaity test on every chuck delivered.



                    Jusat to say a couple of my chucks are HBM and the three jaw is one of the most accurate chucks I have used, including my Burnerd ones. How long they will perform I don't yet know but I am impressed so far.

                    I also agree with the remarks about sending the faulty chuck back. It obviously was not 'fit for purpose'. However, now you have filed it, that route may not be possible.





                      I guess this isn't going to help you now but might be of use to other readers. In your situation, I would first have looked for a second hand 4-jaw independant for my Myford. Generally these chucks are not not that much used and the concentricity and wear  problems that occur with S/H self centering chucks do not apply. A 'phone call to some S /H tool dealers or, indeed, a search on that well known auction site will turn up a few. ( There are some on there now)



                      Edited By NJH on 01/12/2012 10:48:32

                      Michael Foden

                        Thanks to all for replies. I did contemplate returning it, but it was not boxed & I was unsure about safe packaging.

                        I understand it came from the Myford stores, but was dispatched by RDG ( Myford being their sister company ). Incidentally it is Polish & has threaded body, so is only 42mm thick. However the HBM chuck, although slightly larger, has same specs.



                          Yes, I believe RDG bought them.

                          The Myford business is next to RDG on the same industrial estate.


                            I have the same Toolmex 4 jaw and it has always been spot on and smooth working.

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