I'm sorry for the long delay in replying to the question about aligning the bushes to press them in; I have been a bit unwell. Back now!
I first thought that I could leave the right hand bush in situ; pass a length of suitable ground bar through it, and through the vacant left hand hole. I could then slip the new bushes onto the end of the bar, knowing that they were in alignment. However, as soon as they begin to get pressed in, they close up gripping the bar. I might have got away with pressing them in just a short way and then driving the bar out before finishing the pressing operation. I decided not to in the end, as I didn't want to risk damaging the bushes or the bar.
In the end I turned up two thick stepped washers with the reduced diameter a close fit in the bushes, and the larger diameter slightly larger than the O/D of the bushes. The centre hole was made a close fit on a length of studding. I assembled it, from the right, nut, stepped washer inserted in end of RHS bush, thought the LHS of the casting, New bush with the other stepped washer in it, and the final nut. The the LHS of the casting is machined flat for a fibre washer. When the nuts were nipped up it was virtually self aligning. A little jiggling as the nuts were screwed tighter, and the bush entered the bore quite smoothly. On reflection, it would have been better to make the RHS stepped washer, a close fit on the plain part of a suitable length bolt, and long enough to go right through the remaining "Oilite" bush, retaining the larger lip of course. This would have held the new bush a little more accurately .
However, the procedure I describe worked, just reversing the assemble to insert the new bush at the other end. I hope this helps. Sorry again for the delay.
Regards Maurice