Hi All. I have been lucky enough, although through unfortunate circumstances, to acquire my late Uncles Myford Super 7 with quick change gearbox.
The lathe was very well used and covered in swarf and had been in a shed at the end of his garden for sometime. In order for me to move it, I had to basically dismantle it into one person manageable blocks and figured that it would be worth stripping it down to component parts and then stripping all the chipped paint of and repaint and do a complete rebuild on it. I bought all the manuals but am stuck dismantling the gearbox so would appreciate any help.
I have the gear box dismantled down to what on a motorbike box I would call the selector drum. On this rides the selector handle and on the opposite side of the handle is a gear which is is on a shaft dowel pinned to the selector arm. The gear sits proud into a hollow on the bottom of the drum which allows it freedom to move up and down the drum as the selector is moved. I am sure many of you know this.
However the hollow in the drum does not run full length so I cannot see an way of withdrawing the drum without removing the gear on the selector arm but that requires trying to remove a 1/8'' dowel pin on a moving arm. Am I missing something? How do you remove a dowel pin on an arm you cannot hold still? Have looked over and over at the parts list but cannot see any solution and the Myford store could not give much info.
Next, any recommendations for stripping old paint? I was thinking of tapeing the machined surfaces of the iron parts ie the bed and getting them sandblasted to avoid any risk of water rusting those critical parts as paint stripper would involve water rinse. Equally, as the surface finish of the bare metal other than the ways is not critical I could tape the ways with aluminium tape and use paint stripper. Just paranoid bout protecting the machined surfaces.
Thanking you all for any info.