Hi there, Alan and Brian,
Alan, I suggest that you investigate the cross-slide handle and scale. Excess clearance there could give at least some of the 'perpendicular' back-lash of which you complain. Lock the cross-slide and then examine how much free angular movement there is in the handle & screw.
Look up under the bracket attached to the front end of the cross-slide and find a way to hold the shank of the feed-screw without graunching it. Then turn the cross-slide handle counter-clockwise to loosen it. From memory, the scale and the handle act as nut & lock-nut. They need to be adjusted so the handle & screw can together turn freely but with minimum slack. Again from memory, I believe there is a fibre washer in there, simple but effective.
If you don't have the Myford User Instructions booklet, have you down-loaded the parts lists and exploded diagrams from the Myford web-site?
Also, have a look at the modifications to fit thrust bearings in that part of the machine, see Arc Euro web-site.
Another possibility is wear in the cross-slide feed-screw and/or nut. Again, you can explore this by locking the cross-slide and waggling the handle. You might need to remove the top-slide to see what's going on.
Do, please, come back and tell us how you get on – it's very frustrating to make suggestions and never to hear the conclusion!
Best regards,
Swarf, Mostly!
Edited By Swarf, Mostly! on 29/12/2020 19:15:45