Hello Jens Eirik,
I assume you are a Norwegian too? Where are you based?
The thing is that even though it may be preferrable to do a regrind, if this is not an option because of availaibilty of shops in your area or the cost of the job, it is still possible to refurbish the bed. The ML10 is within grasp of a decent sized surface plate or straightedge, so it should be possible to measure it up and scrape it to accuracy again. Yes, it requires some tooling, and skill (though if you have some experience, the most useful is patience), the end-result can be very good.
If you are in the neighborhood of Oslo (I am located in Drammen), I might be able to help you (just bring the bed and saddle), and we can measure the worn areas and see where we go from there. Conatct me at jsv-h@frisurf.no or +4792036935. No cost involved of course.. I am not inte this hobby for the money..