You can try to get a pukka UC100 USB to Parallel motion controller adapter if you want Mach 3 'big Button CNC' (for which you still have to pay a hefty licence fee). Find a reputable source of supply because it is said there are plenty substandard knockoffs about.
Or go down the Arduino UNO / CNC shield route wire up the drivers and PSU etc to it and use Grbl or any of the other free G code runners and run your machine off a laptop.
Much to my surprise, I managed to easily convert an old Chinese Mach 3 engraver/router with the arduino approach and I have no electronic knowledge whatsoever. Heaved all of the big boxes complete with parallel ports into a skip, never been so glad to see them go. Mind you, they were so old maybe they could have been flogged on line as 'vintage' post Turing computing equipment!
Edited By Martin of Wick on 08/08/2023 18:48:32