Hi All, We complete the MOT work on the Volvo, only to find we can't get a test booked till next Wednesday! No matter, we have plenty of field work to complete so it is on to clearing out around the new fence in the Field and a couple od days of "Osswork" It nearly kills us, but we just survive! It has made a huge inprovement, and I can report that Saturday morning I am feeling better than I have felt since before getting covid in November. Even though the work is very hard, even the icy blast from the north on friday, complete with sleety rain Couldn't stop us!
Phil, sun wind and sleet in East Yorkshire
Edited By Phil Whitley on 25/02/2023 16:39:29
Edited By Phil Whitley on 25/02/2023 16:40:04
Edited By Phil Whitley on 25/02/2023 16:40:26