My week this week! My workshop videos


My week this week! My workshop videos

Home Forums The Tea Room My week this week! My workshop videos

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    Phil Whitley

      A quick catch up as I have been busy moving Mum to her new home this week,Back to the tractor next week, and also more of clearing an old engineers workshop!

      Phil, in sunny and rainy East Yorkshire

      Phil Whitley

        The big clearout of my late neighbours shed continues, my almost empty washers box is now overflowing, and there are lots of usefull goodies appearing as I empty the rest, plus instructions on Megger testing electric motors for earth faults, and my usual wit and wisdom, such as it is!!

        Phil, in Scorching East Yorkshire

        Phil Whitley

          More clearing and sorting of the workshop stuff, and a few interesting finds. I have come up with a strategy! Next week I will finish the tractor, and then the grass cutter, and when they are done and out, I am going on a cull of all my junk, starting in the Outside store, which is full of junk, much of which can be scrapped, as the price is very good at the moment, and that will give me somewhere to move the stuff from the downstairs stores, which are impractical, as they are too far away from the workshop proper!, of course as I move the stuff, much of that will also be culled!!

          Phil, the grass waits for no man in East Yorkshire!

          Phil Whitley

            Yes folks, all my goodies are sorted away, and I get to spend a whole day fitting the ROPS and wiring the lights on the tractor! I will be back on it full time next week, and then onto the topper/grass cutter, which will be brief, as it is only to check over, one swing slasher to free off, sharpen, and a coat of paint!

            Phil, in monsoon hit East Yorkshire!

            Phil Whitley

              I finish wiring the lights, and get all the wiring neatened up and ruggedised, move the oil pipe, and finally fit the toolbox, A disaster is averted when I find the oil pressure guage pipe has been rubbing and is worn thin! All in a weeks worth of tractor fun! Also some work in the field, tidying up the remains of the old kennels, and you can see the heat affecting my non existent photography skills, Thursday brought the first really hot day to East Yorkshire, Friday was a little cooler……………………..but not much!

              Phil, in sunstricken East Yorkshire!

              Phil Whitley

                The final front ear! That old startrek chestnut, but apart from the fact that it is not charging, everything else is fine! After all that hassle with the electrics, bloody ungratefull I call it! It will be something simple, and probably to do with the cut out setting being done at different revs to actually being on the tractor or else a wire off on the cut out, it is very tight in there, I will sort it! Then on to the topper, and that gets finished all bar the shouting!, All in all, a good week!

                Phil, it is HOT again in East Yorkshire!

                Phil Whitley

                  Released at 4pm GMT+1 Saturday

                  I get the grass cutter finished, and condemn the pto driveshaft as BER until I see the price of a new one! It can be fixed as you can buy the tube, so I can replace the twisted portion. I am going to fit the grass cutter to the tractor and measure up for the driveshaft with the grasscutter in the raised and lowered position so I get the right length, as measuring it up roughly seems to indicate about 4" overlap in the telecoping part when it is in the down position, so no wonder it has twisted. Thank you all for watching and commenting, and don't forget to like and subscribe, and click on the black bell to get all the updates and notice of new content! I try to upload every Saturday at 4pm GMT but if you click the bell when you subscribe, you tube will remind you, supposedly!!

                  Phil, In very bright sunshine between the cold and downpours in East Yorkshire!

                  Phil Whitley

                    What seemed to be a simple bit of vibration and wobble on the PTO shaft turned into a nightmare of disintegrating universal joints damages slider tubes, twisted Yokes, and basically all the indications that this pto shaft has had a non shear bolt in the topper end, which has subjected the PTO shaft to forces well beyond its pay scale!, I fought it, threw money at it, heated it up in the gas forge till it glowed, hammered, and twisted, and eventually came out victorious (I hope) It's all in my week this week!

                    Phil in hot and humid East Yorkshire!

                    Phil Whitley

                      I bite the bullet once again, and take off the PTO shaft to relieve the tight bearing, which is nylon to metal, and will melt and self destruct if it is not right. I get the charging circuit working, although not at low rpm, but many fordson owners tell me that is how they are ! There may be a new regulator in the near future, as setting the old one up again when it is on the tractor is not easy access! Touch the paintwork up, and then as some light relief, I make a pair of moulding flasks for the copper casting experiment, It's all in my week this week!

                      Phil, in overcast, cool and cloudy East Yorkshire, Harvest is ON!

                      Phil Whitley

                        Another 3 day week!, Monday was my 70th birthday, so I took the day off, Tuesday was so unfeasably hot that I stayed home and sweltered! This is what remains! I finish the moulding flask, and get the sand mixed with the bentonite and wetted down, and then get sidetracked into a quick repair (why are they never quick) on the little Reid-EE sawbench. when I was at school I only got lines once! I had to write out 100 times "I must concentrate on the job in hand" I am living proof that the lines did not work!!

                        Phil, in unfeasably hot then dull and overcast East Yorkshire.

                        Phil Whitley

                          The furnace comes out for the first time, and works superbly well, the mould is made and the copper is poured, and a very good casting is made! I change the tractor engine oil, and find there is no oil filter in the cannister, just iike there was no fuel filter either!! well it has one now, and with new oil we have gained about 10 psi oil pressure, even though the oil pressure was good before. I have gone for the sae40 non detergent oil which is reccomended for working tractors. We round off the week with a day of antique metalwork repairs for my dealer friend, but only cover that briefly because we already have about an hour of vid this week, don't fall asleep! Phil, in Cool and wet East Yorkshire. Wot heat wave?

                          Phil Whitley

                            A varied week of highs, lows, and a poo run! I earned some money doing lots of very enjoyable little repairs to antique metalware, and it was all downhill from there! All I can say is it was a good thing that the weather was warm and sunny, or it would have been a lot worse! Join me in Yorkshire for a real rollercoaster of a week! Phil, in getting warmer East Yorkshire, the harvest is coming in!

                            Phil Whitley

                              I put the small pulley in the lathe and widen it for the A profile belt on the tractor, and then fit it, and now we are charging all the time! I Bore the copper disc casting to almost the correct diameter for the shaft to press fit, and then on to field work to get ready for the 2022 Wicani Jamboree, which involves tidying up and pressure washing everything, because once you have started with a pressure wash you just can't stop! Back to the workshop next week for the start on the Holbrook, and other fairy stories! Or is it?

                              Phil, Riding the heatwave in glorious East Yorkshire!

                              Phil Whitley

                                I finish the copper work on the "thing" sort the tractor charging, and then get on with a massive tidy up so I can get the Holbrook bed out from its hiding place to start the rebuild! Much else happens along the way!

                                Phil, Warm and sunny in east yorkshire

                                Phil Whitley

                                  Yet another week of interuptions and "odd" jobs, but I get stuck into cleaning and paint removal, and by Friday the results are beginning to speak for themselves, But it was really dirty work!!

                                  phil, basking in the late summer sun in East Yorkshire

                                  Phil Whitley

                                    Only a three day week, But a lot gets done! I get the headstock stripped and repainted in primer, and also after a couple of hours sanding, and needle gunning the base whilst in goggles and dust mask, I get that masked up and sprayed in red lead primer. There is a slight reaction with the original Holbrook casting filler primer, but nothing I can't cope with!! I get most of the headstock parts cleaned up, and polish the spindle and the gears and pulleys in the lathe Video will be out saturday, 4PM as usual, but I may sneak out saturday and see if I can sort the paint problems and get some black on!

                                    Phil, in officially autumnal but still hot East Yorkshire!

                                    Phil Whitley

                                      A long video with a lot in it! I get down to the nitty gritty of some repairs on the SC box and selectors, quite a lot of lathecam on the covmac, but had to go to the colchester for knurling due to centre height! and get some paint on, Lots of polishing and washing goes on, and I realise the value of scotchbrite for polishing metals! I almost got 5 days in!

                                      Phil, a wet week followed by a Friday scorcher in East Yorkshire!

                                      Phil Whitley

                                        A shorter vid this week which starts with gratuitous tumble dryer repairs, same dryer, different fault! cracked drum pivot (caused by stretch belt?) and then on to the Holbrook and a week of stripping, cleaning and repairing. One cannot fail to be impressed by the build quality of this machine. 92 years after its construction, and after quite a tough life, it is still in amazing condition!

                                        Phil, in sunny but slightly autumnal East Yorkshire



                                        Edited By Phil Whitley on 17/09/2022 16:48:08

                                        Edited By Phil Whitley on 17/09/2022 16:50:31

                                        Edited By Phil Whitley on 17/09/2022 16:51:23

                                        Phil Whitley

                                          A short week, but I have turned the corner and started on the rebuild! new bearing felts, making a new bull pin, and the slightly fiddly task of assembling it all by myself without damaging anything, or scratching the bearings! It actually turned out easier than I thought once I got it all fitted up on the bench, then on to the bed, a couple of hours, and a revelation later I got the cams adjusted, and it all went together a treat!

                                          Phil, Back to summer in East Yorkshire!

                                          Phil Whitley

                                            A good week with a lot of progress, the headstock bearings get adjuster correctly after some sage advice from the Holbrook Sage! Various broken bits get fixed, and various bodges are exposed! I remove the old pin from the back gear shaft, repair it and drill and fit a new one, I strip and clean the top slide and the cross slide, and eventually repair the missing pin from the topslide nut plus lots of other bits cleaned and fitted

                                            Phil, A fair week and a Friday storm in East Yorkshire!

                                            Phil Whitley

                                              Another good week of fettling and eliminating some of the bad repairs and abuses this machine has suffered over the years. I spend much time degreasing the saddle to get the Belzona to stick, and hope I suceeded! I repair the broken Gear cover casting with MIG which is far from impossible, and sus out a scheme of repairing the rest!

                                              Phil, in Cool and wet autumnal East Yorkshire.

                                              Phil Whitley

                                                A very trying week being Mr Pedantic and trying to get the gear cover repair EXACTLY right which tried my patience to the point where I took a midweek break and started work on building a waste oil burning insert for the wood stove! That will be continued, and I hope completed, next week. It is (or at least was) getting colder, and as I have about 75 litres of waste oil from the tractor rebuild and a regular source of expired chip oil, it would save a lot of woodcutting. I get back on the Holbrook on Friday, and it turns out really well! Sometimes it pays to take a break!

                                                Phil, an indian summer in East Yorkshire

                                                Phil Whitley

                                                  To continue from last weeks blurb, sometimes being pedantic pays off! I get the shaper and the mill fully back into commission, make a new vice jaw to replace the missing one on the shaper vice mill the weld off the new section for the gear cover, it falls apart and I settle on a new strategy fot order of assembly! With milling and shaping, tidying up and 3 foot long dreadlocks, its all in my week this week!

                                                  Phil, In exceedingly wet East Yorkshire

                                                  Phil Whitley

                                                    Hi Guys, sorry, no video this week, the covid got me, I am slowly recovering!


                                                    Phil Whitley

                                                      Hi all, I get back to the workshop on the Thursday of this week, was going to do friday as well, but circumstances overtook me and I never got there. As winter approaches fast I decided to crack on with the heating, and find the fan which is most suitable has knackered bearings, more on order as we speak. I have other fans I could use, but they are predomantly plastic, and although they would work, not really suitable for a burner! I also have a few gas boiler flue fans, but all have a 2" outlet! I will prevail! I will try to get back Monday and see how it goes, the fishermans freinds are a usefull anti cough!


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