My week this week! My workshop videos


My week this week! My workshop videos

Home Forums The Tea Room My week this week! My workshop videos

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    Phil Whitley

      Fordson E1A major, Rebuild. We complete one mudguard, and get a lot done to the other, amazing how much stronger they are when you put the structure back to what Henry intended! Don't forget to like and subscribe! and thanks for watching!

      Phil, in bright and sunny East Yorkshire

      Phil Whitley

        Fordson E1A major, Rebuild. we repair the box sections and patch the holes on the last mudguard, the end is in sight…just!! Another short week and another late posting because my computer went into rebellious mode at 3-30 and it took 2 hours to sort it out and get the video edited!

        Phil Storm Arwen is blasting East Yorkshire!

        Phil Whitley

          Sorry Guys, no vid this week, I have had the twin after effects of the Covid booster, plus conjunctivitis, plus sinusitis all in one, loads of fun I can tell you, back next week with a fair wind and a bit of luck!!

          Phil in freezing cold East Yorkshire!

          Phil Whitley

            Fordson E1A major, Rebuild. mudguards sealed and painted, bonnet fit vastly improved, bonnet brackets made, and final welding on the front cowl. I discover that the bonnet catches have been mixed up, and get ready to rebuild all the riveted parts back onto the bonnet, and all in three days!
            Phil, on cold and frosty mornings in East Yorkshire

            Phil Whitley

              Fordson E1A major, Rebuild. Part 31, in which I finalise the bonnet fitting, fit all the bonnet hardware and catches, and make the bonnet stays, and discover that my tractor has three rear bonnet catch brackets, and only one front one! These little challenges are what life is all about!

              Phil, frost has turned to mist in East Yorkshire

              Have a good Christmas!!

              Phil Whitley

                Fordson E1A major, Rebuild PART 32 a NEW YEAR DAWNS AND i AM still ON THE TRACTOR! This week I am on with pedals, brake and clutch, and filler, filler and more filler Things go wrong, I make some saves, and the gopro fails to invert the image when some idiot holds the camera upside down. All probably because I hate winter

                Phil, in Wintry cold but clear East Yorkshire.

                Phil Whitley

                  Fordson E1A major, Rebuild. In which I get all the small parts painted ready to reassemble the pedals and footboards, a short week but good progress, if you have lots of small and medium sized parts to paint, best hang the lot up and do them all at once with a spraygun, makes a better job, covers all the awkward shapes and then LEAVE THEM TO DRY! you know you'll make a mess if they are not hardened off!!

                  Phil, its bloody cold in East Yorkshire!

                  Phil Whitley

                    Due to a wonderfully enjoyable tooth abcess that came out of the blue last Sunday I have not been to the workshop this week, Back next week,!

                    Phil, In wonderfully windy east Yorkshire

                    Vadim Cristea

                      Good Job Phil! Keep going

                      Phil Whitley

                        Thanks Vadim, much better this week and have started work on the tractor again, and also on next week video!


                        Phil Whitley

                          I actually get some time on the tractor, fitted in between my busy other life! footpedals back on, connected up and adjusted, then removed again and refitted the right way round! Footplates on and get onto the mudguards and get them flatted and another layer of filler on! We are going forwards again!

                          Phil, in cold and windy East Yorkshire!

                          Phil Whitley

                            A little tractor content, but mainly converting the first 8ft fluorescent fitting to led! Another week of distractions, emergencies, and fraught with stress and problems, I will tell you all about it when it is all over…….

                            Phil, in Bright,windy and cold East Yorkshire

                            Sam Longley 1

                              Interesting seeing this. I am rebuilding the cab on our sailing club Fordson 4000. It has been used for the last 40 years to launch our safety boats. & it has a winch for pulling trailers up the beach. The mudguards & footplates have rusted away & the cab was falling away. The brakes did not work, but I have found that they have never been adjusted for many years.& they been immersed in water many times, I had to make new adjusting parts etc. but now brakes & handbrake work well.

                              The seat is in my workshop & today i was painting the post having recently repaired it. I am now fitting some door locks. A problem because I cannot get the right parts so have to adapt something. The cab parts have been sand blasted repaired & will be back from the galvanisers soon. There will be new mudguards made by one of our club members for me. I have to fit some polycarbonate in the side windows.

                              Hopefully it all goes back together early march ready for mooring laying.

                              I need a front bucket & if the OP has a source (UK- CM07LY) I would like to hear about it

                              Phil Whitley

                                Hi Sam, you have got to post up some pics, this sounds very interesting! Of course I have a tale to tell, when I looked at this tractor over 20 years ago, it had a fairly rotten, but complete cab, but when it was delivered, it hadn't!, when I asked, "wheres the cab" he looked rather nonplussed, and said "it was rotten, and it collapsed when I was moving it so I took it off" It wasn't that rotten and taking it off had left a large dent it the tank, but no matter, all fixed now! TBH it was a bargain even without the cab, as it has a later Ford exchange engine in it, and runs perfectly!


                                Phil Whitley

                                  Back on the tractor, and more spare time as the house sale nears its end. On to filling and priming the panels, and stoppering to fill all the pesky blowholes in the filler, and all the bits I missed! My least favourite part of the job, as it takes patience, and whilst I can display endless patience with rebuilding anything mechanical or electrical, because it is interesting, the same does not apply to refinishing, so my method is shortest possible route to a durable and acceptable shine!

                                  Phil, in easterly gale East Yorkshire

                                  Phil Whitley

                                    I make a start on the final peices of the Fordson jigsaw, get the bonnet and front cowl into red lead and grey primer, and start to deal with the massively oval holes on the tow hitch! Keeps me out of mischief!
                                    Phil, Spring is almost here in East Yorkshire

                                    Phil Whitley

                                      Another short video detailing more of what I didn't get done than showing what I did! Sometimes we are swept forward by the tide of events, sometimes back! This week it was definitely back! I challenge you to watch and enjoy! Normal service will be resumed ASAP. At least it is officially SPRING!! That would be why the rain is Warmer in East Yorkshire!


                                      Phil Whitley

                                        I get all the insides and edges of the painting finished, clean up and paint the 3 point components, and make the bushes for welding into the towwbar pin holes, which have been worn oval by the years since 1955! I know how they feel, being a 1952 model myself!!

                                        Phil, in warm and springlike East Yorkshire!

                                        Phil Whitley

                                          First job I get on with the tow hitch repairs, fitting the bushes I made last week into the badly worn oval holes and welding them in, and then pad welding the pins, and also the holes in the plates that the hitch attaches to, and then PAINT!! I get everything that is left to paint cleaned up, primed up and painted, and don't it look sweet!

                                          Phil, Bright and sunny with a chill breeze in East Yorkshire

                                          Phil Whitley

                                            I finish rebuilding the three point linkage and the towhitch, and start the electrics and dashboard, as soon as i get the regulator sorted and refitted, along with the wiring harness, the only job left will be to paint the rear wheels!
                                            Happy Daze
                                            Phil in really very hot East Yorkshire!

                                            Phil Whitley

                                              In which I build a dynamo test bench, and proceed to test dynamos and the wiring harness and the regulator. I do make progres! There are frustrations, but generally every day is a school day and I am learning all the time, or at least trying to remember back to the time before about 1973 when all motor vehicles had dynamos, and I used to service them all the time. You forget a lot in 50 years!!

                                              Phil, back to snow and cold in East Yorkshire!

                                              Phil Whitley

                                                I find multiple faults with the dynamo, wiring harness and the regulator box and cutout, and fix them all! I set the charging rate and cut in point, then I start the fiddly process of rebuilding it all back into the tiny dashboatd box that it all lives in! I discover that I need to buy more black insulation tape!

                                                Phil, in sunny, rainy and windy East Yorkshire

                                                Phil Whitley

                                                  Suddenly it all goes back together, and it is finished apart from the front grille protector, and the roll over safety bar, which will be next week!, and then I spend Saturday trying to sort why I cant edit it untill I findthat my 2TB drive is FULL! a file has been saving duplicates of all my videos since day one! I get it sorted, and eventually get it online. I am proud of the tractor, but not the video and the sound falls odd towards the end of part two, but it is what it is, as they say on Salvage rebuilds UK!

                                                  Phil, warm and sunny with long grass in East Yorkshire

                                                  Phil Whitley

                                                    Still struggling with the video chaps!, having no gopro after all this time is like having a hand missing! I am getting a new camera tomorrow and the gopro is going in for repair! The rear wheels are fitted, and the oil goes in gearbox and transmission. New parts arrive, and some don't fit but we get excellent service from MKH and get the replacements inside the week!! I work on the injector pump stop/extra fuel mechanism, and get that back on correctly this time, and drag the roll over bar out of the store and get it cleaned up.

                                                    Phil, in sunny and warm East Yorkshire.

                                                    Phil Whitley

                                                      This week I repair the ROPS and paint it, and all the lighting components that arrived in three different colours, This could be the final week on the tractor, and time to move onto the Big Bee topper, but there are going to be interuptions! Mothers Moving day is friday the sixth and she has to be out because the new owners are moving in! So I will need to be up there for a few days prior, We will see what I can get done!

                                                      Phil, in gloriously sunny, but not too hot East Yorkshire

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