Well I'm laid low with COVID, but its given me a bit of time to see what I've got and whats next. I've found my form for joining Cinderbarrow – so that'll get us so we know where we are at with the boiler.
I'm slightly struggling with the comment – the
"… Worth talking to whoever is going to test and certify before you get too far as they may want the feed to the water gauge separate to anything else and not off the manifold…."
I'd expect that it needs to be build as per the design to be signed off – but I'm guessing thinking has changed? But how does it make a difference? simple thinking suggests the pressure through a liquid should be consistent.
So the water level gauge as long as its acting with the same pressure at each end (as it goes in and out of the boiler) the tap off for pressure gauge location shouldn't matter? Does that mean I need to substantially modify the boiler?
So next up on things I can deal with is the tender. The water pocket is drilled inside for filling, but the lid is soldered shut… I guess I could slot it with an end mill to create a filling hole? But I do wonder given its all got to be soldered together if I need to just dismantle the build so far for cleaning and tinning etc. Some of the drillings for made elements of it are also a bit sketchy – photos in next post.
Guidance on moving forward happily received