Just a quick photo of progress this morning.
I haven't got much further, been very enjoyable (and challenging) today and to be honest I've been struggling! Biggest problem is using the round nose tool in order to get the radius's on the shoulders and to turn between them – I'm using a piece of tool steel I rounded myself and its not very good! I have got an indexable button tool that I put away somewhere after having trouble with it digging in last time I used it – can't find it now of course. I'm getting the same problem with the one I'm using as well, this one is much smaller so I thought it would be less of a problem..
I have done the Bearing register and foot and almost have the rod diameter parallel – and my compound slide does at least have enough travel so that I can use it to do the taper..
At the moment though I'm having real trouble though just getting the tool into the material to put even a tiny cut on to finish getting it parallel before starting the taper..
I hadn't released the material to come off for sizing the foot would need to be off the top otherwise I wouldn't yesterday have put in the small flat on the diameter, thinking I needed to for the fillet – should have left it alone it would have sorted itself out in sizing the foot.. So my fillet is going to be a big one I think!
Edited By Gary on 28/05/2015 14:37:36