My little engine (continued)


My little engine (continued)

Home Forums Work In Progress and completed items My little engine (continued)

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    roy entwistle

      Just a thought I would have turned the rib which locates the strap before now



        Hi Peter – thanks, hope we see more of your ongoing projects on here again before too long.

        I'll give that a go Jason, I think I'm converted to parting like this in future now, the cut was definitely cleaner, cheers.

        Yes, I may have been better doing the rib in the same setting as the largest OD Roy – have to see how it works out..!

        I think next now is to make a tool holder ready for cutting the internal groove in the strap..


        Thanks again smile




          Nice work Garry.. Just a couple of observations… you shouldn't need lubrication on cast iron, especially oil, it should always machine / drilled / milled dry, it has self lubricating properties to a certain extent, as I could see, the cuttings were clogging the parting off tool due to you using oil, not helpful. the chips / CI dust should be falling away freely. From the sound of it was your parting tool dead centre height as it seemed as though it was rubbing along with cutting action?. you can safely up your speed next time -150 – 200 rpm wouldn't hurt, personally I would have supported the initial cutting with the tail stock centre until you reached full circumference contact as the hammer effect at your speed may have knocked the eccentric out of the jaws… fortunately it didn't.

          Like you ( & no doubt a few others ) parting off under power had always filled me with trepidation, even at my advanced years until I got this machine where I practiced & practiced until I feel a lot more at ease with it now. No doubt some members will disagree with my comments but hey! what are the forums for. Never the less well done, super write up thumbs up.



            Hi George

            Many thanks for this, all really useful and taken note of. You set me thinking about the tool height and after double checking I can see it was slightly too low..! As you can hopefully see in the photo below the carbide insert has a 'flat' spot just at the cutting edge and I hadn't set the height on it correctly beer smile I'l be more careful in future..!

            May need to enlarge this a bit as its not a very clear photo – the flat cutting edge is just tucked under the centre tip..

            461. power parting off the eccentric sheave 4..jpg




              The Tool Holder for the internal groove in the Eccentric Strap, (I've probably put too much detail here for this..).

              This I've not been too fussy over using a short left over piece of bar that I had – not ideal really but its saved turning down a longer 1" diameter, which seemed a bit wasteful, I've not even turned the outside diameter..

              Starting the Tool Holder by first putting on a small flat with the Mill

              462. internal groove tool 1.jpg

              Then rotating the flat through 90 degrees for drilling the cross hole for the tool piece.

              462. internal groove tool 2.jpg

              and then onto the lathe for drilling and tapping for an M6 Cap Head screw

              462. internal groove tool 4.jpg

              it should enable a variety of tool bit thickness to be held – iI'll probably grind the tool for the strap groove from a larger and rectangular section of tool steel. Hopefully not too difficult to do just some front and side clearances and no top rake for the Gun Metal strap..

              462. internal groove tool 5.jpg

              it would have been more useful I guess to have made a longer one – I need to order in some more spare bar stock again..

              The finished tool holder and the Eccentric Strap castings as supplied – Gun metal. Hopefully it will work ok..

              462. internal groove tool 7.jpg

              tomorrow I'll have a go at making the tool bit..




                Great work Garry, things are moving along nicely.

                I look forward to seeing the next stage, once done is there any chance of a couple of photos of the part finished engine assembled ?



                  Thanks Peter, managed to make a tool bit earlier that will hopefully work for the eccentric strap groove so yes all going well smile

                  But as far as progressing here any further I get a pretty strong sense from your very useful and interesting 'build thread' that the build is really not wanted here at all – I've been assuming that building a model engine on a forum advertised for Model Engineering would have been as natural as seeing a F1 car driving around Silverstone – but hell no..!

                  My last sterile pics…

                  462. internal groove tool 8.jpg

                  462. internal groove tool 9.jpg

                  462. internal groove tool 10.jpg

                  I'll try again somewhere else next





                    I want you to continue your thread.

                    I get despondent about the sites general decline but it's threads like this I'm trying to encourage. People like me are interested and it would be a great loss if you pulled out.

                    I read a lot on this site (and others) and you can be assured I've learnt more from seeing your photos and reading your text than dozens of other posts.

                    People like me starting in this hobby want to see photographs – I can learn a lot from seeing images of how to hold something in a faceplate or whatever it is you happen to be doing.

                    Chin up Garry, lets see the engine assembled so far smiley


                      Hi Peter

                      I was going to go over to another forum a few weeks back as there was so little interest but carried on after being asked by some – I've tried, but the negativity on here and lack of Model Engineering interest just makes it a pain. I do this for enjoyment..!

                      Why would anyone start a long term project here when posts directly rubbishing the very activity the forum is apparently for are allowed and go on and on and on – there is a serious problem with the words used to advertise this place, the words Model Engineering should be removed, it is very misleading as it is…

                      Sorry mate but I'm out of here…



                      roy entwistle

                        Garry For goodness sake don't leave this forum at least not until you have finished the engine I'm sure you have learnt a lot on this forum and I'm also sure that other people have learnt a lot also You don't have to read all the posts that don't interest you


                        David Clark 13

                          Hi Gary I enjoy your posts. Please continue. You wiil get idiots on any forum.



                            I want to see thread continue and so do many others.

                            I'll do a deal with you – you stay and update it and I'll start another one of my efforts.

                            Forget the negative vibes you are getting – between us we'll turn the forum round, if people don't want to see your engine or my little beginner wobblers they can visit an astronomy forum and leave the rest of us to discuss the subject of the forum.

                            Deal ?



                              "there was so little interest but carried on after being asked by some – I've tried, but the negativity on here and lack of Model Engineering interest just makes it a pain."

                              There has been over 66,000 views on this thread. I think you are wrong.!

                              "Sorry mate but I'm out of here…"

                              That is your prerogative. …………… So bye.! wink

                              I also think that is a mistake as you are exactly the kind of member the site needs and is short of. i.e. one who actually uses the machines and tools he has. Makes nice stuff and documents what he does in a good format so others can benefit. There are only so many times and ways another member can say e.g. "Fantastic job, well done." without sounding like a 'fan-boy'.

                              As for the other thread that concerns such issues as the lack of interest. I shall stick my ore in later. Perhaps even after a couple of bottles of red and I can be more 'flamboyant.'

                              So stop being a primadonna and stick around. ………………………. Please. laugh



                                Hi Garry sorry to hear you are leaving, this is one thread I always look up, do like your write up and how you also say when thing did not go to plan, which happens to me every visit to the workshop.

                                If you don't come back may I take this time to thank you for your time and effort in developing the thread and good luck with all your other project.

                                May your workshop always be clean, you and I are the same on that one.



                                  Hi Garry,

                                  I dont post too much on here but mark my words when I say that your thread is the most interesting on here by far as regards to how to actually build an engine, warts an all

                                  I have been following your thread since the very first and have found it to be very instructive on how to make the tools, hold the parts, Marking and actually machining

                                  as a relative beginner myself, it has offered me so many different thoughts on what I try myself.

                                  If you must go to another forum would you say where so I can follow, as previously stated – there are always idiots on all forums and it appears at the moment we have a more than average share of them

                                  Hope you stay and at least finish the engine


                                  Black Cat2

                                    As far as I m concerened this is turning into a great reference work..I m following very carefully but due unsocial hours I work clubs etc are nt a possibility but this takes their place. I would have bought the castings already but thought it best to wait until you had finished.bearing in mind the cost..
                                    Please carry on Garry

                                    Bruce Edney

                                      Hi Garry

                                      I hope you don't go. I, like others above, have looked forward to your posts and admire your build. If you are heading to another forum please let us know which one so we can all follow along.

                                      I do agree with you though that this forum is losing its edge as far as Model Engineering is concern.

                                      Hopefully we will see more from you soon.


                                      Martin King 2

                                        Hi Garry , another request to please stay and continue with your excellent hread and postings, it is giving me the impetus to carry on with my first ever engine (V10) which I am struggling with but enjoying immensley.

                                        I really like the way you document with pics etc and detail all the pitfalls along the way.

                                        If you do move please publish where to.

                                        Best regards,martin

                                        Black Cat2

                                          wonder if I can put it on a memory stick? would this be allowed,is there copyright anywhere..Would Gary mind?


                                            Hi Guys

                                            No worries on my account in taking copies, (I won't delete whats here by the way) – I turn the whole thing into a pdf when I've finished and keep with the engine. I'll be keeping the exact same record going forward so will be complete when I've finished. Anyone who wants a copy then I can email if requested, just send me a pm, I should still get an email… I've still a fair bit to do so perhaps a few months yet to the end, (maybe Christmas).

                                            I'l likely see if I can start on MEM for the next engine – if they'll have me..!



                                            Michael Gilligan
                                              Posted by Garry_C on 12/11/2015 14:27:22:

                                              … as far as progressing here any further I get a pretty strong sense from your very useful and interesting 'build thread' that the build is really not wanted here at all –


                                              I am 'saying' this with all candour [which is recognised as a good thing], so please do not mis-understand:

                                              I think your reaction is totally inappropriate and unnecessary … and your interpretation is just plain wrong.

                                              As I wote on Peter's thread '… I have never built a model engine, and probably never shall; "

                                              That has not prevevented me from following your thread [and even contributing briefly].

                                              I am not really interested in what you are building, but I am interested in what you are doing, and how you are doing it. … and I am, of course, impressed by your photographs and by the 'operating theatre' conditions in which you appear to work. … I think I can honestly say that I have read every word in your threads.

                                              Now to the really important bit: This forum is big enough for everyone to indulge themselves: I have yet to see any limit imposed on how much can be posted. … Please just continue posting what suits you, and let others post what suits them … Just occasionally you might find some unanticipated common interest.

                                              This forum is not exclusively about building Model Engines [whatever your chosen interpretation of the titles of two magazines] … So 'live and let live'.



                                              Edit: Looks like I'm too late … but at least I've said it.

                                              Edited By Michael Gilligan on 12/11/2015 19:43:26


                                                Michael I think you make a valid point that the site isn't just about engines, although I'm interested in steam engines like you I'm more interested to see what people are doing and how they do it rather than what the actual build is.

                                                I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that the less experienced modellers in particular can learn a tremendous amount just by seeing how somebody more experienced carries out even fairly routine tasks. The photo builds are great for teaching and giving people ideas.

                                                The engine Garry is building is way beyond my capability but it's still very informative to see how it's done and read the advice he gets from others.


                                                  Just to add my previous post maybe it's better we don't hijack Garrys build thread and let him continue with the build without our interference smiley

                                                  Martin Cottrell
                                                    Posted by Peter Nichols on 12/11/2015 19:54:40:

                                                    Just to add my previous post maybe it's better we don't hijack Garrys build thread and let him continue with the build without our interference smiley

                                                    I agree with what you say regarding the value of this type of thread, especially to beginners but in this instance you have to question the motives of the OP in jumping ship due to apparent lack of interest in his postings. You only have to read the comments within to see plenty of complimentary, encouraging and helpful comments. I can't find any dismissive comments on the content of this thread either from within it or elsewhere on the forum.




                                                      I have followed your build with great interest; even with 50 years of being in the engineering business, man & boy it has given me a great insight as to the problems you have come across & how you dealt with them & your pics are superb, I fail to see how, with all the views you've had, that you can say there is no one interested. There will always be a few detractors in any forums that are visited & I wouldn't put too much credence on any 'negativity' that will appear, where ever, the point is you have /are enjoyed / enjoying making your engine & that's all that matters… it would be a shame to lose your post because of a few detractors… keep up the brilliant build & keep posting… thumbs up


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