A couple of photo's of the finished Steam Inlet Flange. I'm quite pleased as it's better I think than my first effort, I need to have gone slightly lower with the cutter and cleaned up the steam chest surface a bit more with it but I'm getting a better idea of how to go about it…
Sorry too many photos of the same thing again…
Setting up to mill the Steam Inlet Flange.
Just finishing the final cut – but i've missed some of the Steam Chest surface, should be able to improve on that again next time now I realise what I should have done…. The Radius Milling cutter comes down to pretty small diameter at the end, almost a point in fact – which I've not been allowing for..
The finished Steam Inlet Flange 1.
The finished Steam Inlet Flange 2.
Almost getting there, hope to improve again in doing the Steam Exhaust Flange next..