Wow I'm on a steep learning curve this morning thats for sure..!
I just hadn't been thinking this through and only just I think starting to see the relationships between the Piston Rod and Piston length, and the distance from the steam inlets in the bore to the end of the cylinder, and the cylinder length covers and gaskets – thats just for starters.. I've been too focused on little bits of the drawings at a time and not enough time spent looking at the overall picture as well, perhaps relying a bit too much as I think Roy was saying on written 'dimensions' – guilty of not enough checking on the actual engine as well..
I'm glad when I got up this morning I headed for the computer and not the workshop.
Roy, thanks I'm only just beginning to understand what you've been saying but it is going in now and Jason if you can take a quick look at the drawings sometime in case you can comment further that would be brilliant. I'll leave the piston for now then and start thinking about doing the Cylinder next instead, but I'll leave it all today or for a day or so until I'm a bit clearer on things, and my head stops hurting…
This is all knowledge learned that can be applied in some forms to future projects I'm sure. It hasn't stuck from my experience with Victoria but that was far simpler..
Obviously I'd have no chance whatsoever if I weren't on here..! Sorry to be so clueless but my eyes are now finally beginning to open and its making a lot more sense..
Thanks again everyone.