The Crosshead Bolt today – just need to part off tomorrow and do the hole for the Locking Pin. Have to be careful doing that, but I have a plan!
My new knife tool has been invaluable again today, don't know how I've managed without one..
The Bolt does have some important dimensions so did take me a while to do – think it should be ok, nice fit through the Con Rod, I've checked the shoulders are clean as I can make them and the dimension across the Con Rod so that when tightened its not closing the Fork Gap should be ok – 1/2 thou excess on the drawing and I should be pretty close to that..
The Crosshead Bolt Drawing.
The supplied piece of Mild Steel bar was barely long enough again – so I used some of my own to be a bit safer holding in the chuck..
The Fork and Nut will fit right up to the shoulders.. Went 4 thou undersize on the thread core when relieving the shoulder, I got a bit carried away when all the nut needed was a touch with the spanner – should have tried the spanner first before taking it down that little bit more. But its ok. 1/4 x 26tpi thread and the nut a nice close fit..
Just need to part off and do the hole for the Locking Pin.
Edited By Garry_C on 26/06/2015 14:46:00