At least this time everything printed. I changed some of the settings on my printer, I increased the time for each layer to be "cooked" by the uv light, and also the amount of time between printing each layer and I slowed down the raising of the build plate to counter the effects of suction under the plate as it is raised. Two hours later I had a build plate with all 4 prints on it. They had printed OK, but the surface of the prints that had the supports on was very rough. Some parts had 4.1mm holes in them to bolt to other parts. A 4mm set screw was a snug fit. 2 of the parts had a flange that was supposed to locate in a third part. The flange was too big and will have to be filed to fit. I might do away with the flange in another print and use dowels instead.
I am now wondering how accurate a resin 3D printed part should be?