Just out of interest it is quite recent that I got myself some GT inserts, previously I had been using MT inserts and HSS tooling on most of the lathe work. I have to say that I am very impressed with the GT type, not only are they excellent on alu, brass and the like I have found them very good on steel, well on EN1A at least.
The crankshaft I turned this morning from 1/2" EN1A down to 5.0mm and used a GT for all of it, not just the finishing cuts. I guess there must be a limit on the depth of cut but I took some 1.0mm cuts with no problem at all and even at 1.0mm the surface finish was very good.
I dont know how you guys find them but I think they are excellent.
Edited By Ron Laden on 02/02/2020 17:16:24