Got to a stage with my engine before final finishing to attempt a run.
I used an electric drill with an adaptor to drive the flywheel securing wedge which seemed to work well with no shaft/flywheel damage although the wedge was marked.
I screwed the engine to a piece of MDF which was G clamped to the bench.
With the ignition timed for tdc it did a few pops and bangs while I attempted a mixture setup. I found I could only get it to run with the ignition advanced by 30/40 Deg, seemed quite a lot? I was imagining sort of 5/10 Deg?
I also experimented with the lift valve in the carburettor. It is suggested that a 'light spring' be fitted to retain it against it's seat, my interpretation of that it seems was too light as I have given my original a bit of a stretching which it seems it needed.
My setup highlighted the situation that I need to address with the throttle, it was able to move of its own accord while running and I need to secure the engine down better as it shook all the screws out of the base!
Anyway, it runs, some fettling required now!