Hi Alan and Terry,
I came across JB weld in the early nineties I think. I was making silencers for my aerobatic models/engines when I read about it’s properties. All the silencer parts made prior were held by a long through bolt but after using JB Weld this was dispensed with the parts just held by the JBW alone. Glow motor exhausts get very hot but I never had a failure so it was very much a case of ‘impressed satisfaction’ – I have sworn by it ever since.
The term ‘Liquid Steel’ refers more to the fact that this part of the product has a steel powder filler – possibly it could be iron as its very black – it is certainly not ‘liquid’ however.
Quite a bit thicker than standard Araldite but not as ‘stodgy’ as Milli. Once mixed its quite thick but unlike Milliputs consistency will ‘slump’ slightly if in thick layers. It will fillet quite well in corners however. I have not tried water to aid shaping as you can with Milliput other than a wet finger so can’t really say. It does spread easily onto surfaces though and ‘feathers’ well. It has extremely good adhesion and will ceratinly fill and smooth cast surfaces.
Loctite ‘Metal Set’ is similar (quite a bit more expensive too) as well as Devcon ‘Plastic Steel. Both of these are excellent as well, very tenatious and tough once cured but are more similar to Miliput in consistency
It mixes just like all the others ie equal parts and can be handled in about 8 hours but is best left overnight / 24 hours for best results if working it after.
BTW when I said in my previous post about Milliput and JB Weld being brittle I was meaning if thinned out as described for the Duro Putty.
I know for some this will be ‘plastic’ and should have no place in engineering – well each to his own – I will give something a try if it works then so be it but if it doesn’t just forget about it ……
Hope this is of further help to you both.
Nicholas/Dusty – all the castings made on the shipyard where I began work were always left to ‘cure’ It was always said they were improved by peeing on them too but I don’t think many will want to do that with their nice new Stuart parts
Regards – Ramon
Edited By Ramon Wilson on 12/01/2011 23:35:28