When I bought the 6" vice for my mill, 40 years ago, it weighed 75 lbs. Over the years it has inexplicably gained weight, it must weigh at least half as much again now! I has become harder and harder to move it from the mill table to the bench and back when I need to work directly on the table. Not to mention the safety aspect. A couple of weeks ago I developed a case of gout in the middle finger of my left hand, the vice was on the bench and I needed it on the mill. There was no way I was going to be able to move it with my disabled finger so something had to be done. My solution was a piece of 1" board 5"wide of sufficient length to reach from the mill to the bench with a tongue screwed and glued on to the end to fit in the slot in the mill table. I glued a piece of scrap "arborite" to the top to give a smooth sliding surface. The "arborite" came from somewhere, one of those things that are too good to refuse " has to come in useful one day"!
In use the knee is lowered to the bottom, and the board is put in position from the mill to the bench, the tongue in the slot keeping it in position.

The vice is then slipped up onto the board.

Slide down and turned around.

Then tipped up onto the bench.

Putting it back on the mill is just the reverse, tip it up onto the board slide it up, turn it around and slide it over onto the mill table. No more heavy lifting or risk of dropping it on my foot!
Edited By John Purdy on 10/10/2022 20:07:07