Moving first mandrel gear on an ML!0


Moving first mandrel gear on an ML!0

Home Forums Beginners questions Moving first mandrel gear on an ML!0

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    Andrew Tinsley

      Hello Hopper,

      You certainly are not the last person to get a mobile smartphone. Although they have their uses, I object to the ridiculous prices and built in obsolescence. Not counting the price of air time. Just think what material and engineering bits you can buy with the savings!

      I do have a simple phone, which I can actually talk to people and send texts. The camera (for what dire thing it was) died a long time ago.



        I don’t have a Smartphone either, which is turning out to be a right pain now I need to organise relatives taking me to hospital appointments!

        However, dare I suggest that a digital camera is a useful workshop tool, especially as they can be bought for under £20?   Apart from a photo or two making forum questions and answers much clearer, I often take photos of stuff during dismantling so I don’t get confused putting it back together.   Others might be able to disconnect 20 coloured wires in a harness and remember how to put them back a week later – not me!

        Grandads often complain about the yoof not understanding screwdrivers, completely missing the point that not understanding modern tools is even worse!


        Howard Lewis

          So there are thrtee of us withiout smartphones.

          I dread the day that 3G is switched off in UK. Since the phone is basically emergency use only, or to report safe arrival or preparation to return home, I do not need to play games.,, or use E mail (That is the purpose of my PC)

          As for car parks mwhich only take payment from a smart phone, they just don’t get my business.



            Just as well there are not too many of you as there would be no magazines and therefore no website without digital photos many of which are taken with a phone.

            Neil and Martin seem happy with what I can quickly snap with the mobile, infact Neil was recently saying he wanted to publish mine quite large so readers could see the detail even better. I would also be less likely to take as many photos if I had to remember to take a digital camera down to the workshop and as for film what a faff sending articles by post and then hoping the editors will publish due to the bother and expense of getting the prints into their publishing software.

            The currrent build that is likely to see it’s way into ME is a good first casting kit project so fairly simple, I expect that will have 150-170 photos. Not all will make it to the mag but as they are so easy to post here I will do as I have done before and run a concurrent thread as a photo can make things so much clearer for a beginner than a couple of paragraphs of text.

            I can also act on any moderation issues such as new members first post whether I am in the workshop, out on site or anywhere else away from my PC as I get the email notifications and can then visit the site to deal with anything.

            Graham Meek
              On Howard Lewis Said:

              So there are thrtee of us withiout smartphones.

              I dread the day that 3G is switched off in UK. Since the phone is basically emergency use only, or to report safe arrival or preparation to return home, I do not need to play games.,, or use E mail (That is the purpose of my PC)

              As for car parks mwhich only take payment from a smart phone, they just don’t get my business.


              That makes four.

              Ditto as regards the car parks.

              There is also a problem in that some of us cannot physically interact with the touch screens. I touch them and nothing happens. It is the same when booking into the GP’s, much to the annoyance of the receptionists.

              Why pay a network loads of money per month for Smart technology. When I can talk to friends for free on the landline as part of my Broadband package. The reception is always good and I can make calls from the comfort of my armchair(s).



              Andrew Tinsley

                Smart phones are fine for those that want or needs them. I neither want or need one. Just work out the cost of having a smart phone for a year. Don’t forget the limited time periods that you can have updates. I have better things to spend my limited amount of money on.



                  I have to admit I have gone a bit (well, a lot) the other way since getting mine. I use it to do all my banking etc, emails, messages, calls, whatever. Including shorter posts online to forums such as this etc.

                  It all gets a bit much at times, so I thought when I went to Southeast Asia for 3 months earlier in the year I would get away from it all, have a bit of a digital detox and get back to talking to real people in real places in real time.

                  WRONG! The airline app starts pinging you messages days before liftoff about flight schedules and reminders and blah blah. Then you use your phone to navigate around the airport where you change planes, check schedules, notify your hotel you will check in late, order a taxi or rideshare to pick you up at the airport so you avoid the predatory airport taxi drivers.  Then it goes on with online hotel booking sites, using Google maps to get around strange towns, looking up things to do, places to go, reading reviews of attractions and hotels, checking the weather, booking train and bus tickets, touching bases with friends back home, keeping in touch with people you have met on the road and on and on. And using Google translate to communicate with the locals re where is the bus station, where is a good place to eat etc.

                  I was on the phone more on holiday than I am at home.

                  The flip side is that the on-the-road camaraderie of budget travellers sharing information at every bus stop, train station or flea pit hotel is a thing of the past. Everyone sits there silently gazing at their phones instead, seeking the very information the travellers sitting next to them could most likely provide. Ironic!

                  Enjoying the breathtaking Nam Ou river in northern Laos:






                  An all-day journey on local public transport boat and nobody spoke to anybody the whole way, then they all got off and went their own ways to their online pre-booked hotels. In the pre-phone era, all would have been best of friends by that stage and decamped en masse to the nearest watering hole to sort out what might happen next, which usually depended on the amount of beer etc involved.

                  I miss those beers.



                  Howard Lewis

                    Often, the problem with my old (2009 vintage) digital camera, is that with the first stage compression engaged, the file size is still about 4 Mb ir more. When submitting for publication, I resize to about 1 Mb

                    This still gives acceptable resolution, without needing a roll of paper to print the result.

                    But I avoid trying to load pictures onto this Forum!

                    When 3G is switched off, I shall have to bite the bullet and learn how to use the minimum of apps on a smart phone, but not load the ones that allow me to play poker etc

                    Much to my disgust, I may be reduced to loading one that allows me to pay for car parking, without using cash!


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