Posted by Alan Charleston on 16/08/2020 07:29:37:
I'd like to do the same. I have a couple of stepper motors but I can't figure out how to control their speeds using a potentiometer.
Using a stepper motor for this is rather overkill, especially as you say your Arduino skills are developing.
The whole point of a stepper is that it gives you positional/angular control. All you need is variable speed. This is more simply achieved using a DC motor (coupled to a reduction gearbox as necessary) and the ubiquitous PWM speed controller.
If you really want to go Arduino, take it in small bites. Put a potentiometer on the analogue inputs to the chip and work out how to send from 0 to 255 to your screen.
Then investigate how to drive a stepper motor at a fixed speed from the Arduino (there are pre-written libraries that do this – all you have to do is give them two numbers: direction and speed).
Then glue the first and second together.