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  • #737898
      On JimmieS Said:

      Enjoy the read


      Great old book. Thanks for posting. Very encouraging when a book starts with the recommendation to get a Hobbymat lathe for the workshop and then goes on to describe how to mount a piston on the face plate so as to bore the gudgeon pin hole. True motorcycle restoration work, not today’s order new parts on internet and bolt them on.


        I pulled out the dial indicator and measured it while on the bike. It’s not perfect but within spec, 0.7mm axial and 1.3mm radially. And it’s not smooth either with a couple of dents that measure 0,5mm over 3-4 inches. The weights are in the lowest spot, that seems reasonable.

        As for the spokes they are hard to read as many of them seem to be rubbing (or nearly so). But none sound excessively loose. I tried turning a couple of nuts, but several were seized up and I didn’t want to exacerbate the problems by going at it half cocked.



          A few pictures of my old Hill Cimbing WLC that I use to compete in the annual Red Marley Hill Climb. Occasionally it’s a dry year and I’ve made it to the top.3944BAEA-697C-4762-AA62-5A0CB29CB77542AE01C0-A9E2-450E-83BD-9B9B3C95222D070B35BB-6C6B-4AE0-ADA0-614B5780BE687AD5E2AD-F255-4459-955A-1B946B1BD8FE


            I have retired the Harley for a while and have been concentrating on lighter bikes. This is an old speedway bike that I did some modifications to for last years attempt, it was extremely muddy. I’m out front and I got within two yards of the finish line in the video, so close yet so far !






              One of the reasons for purchasing a mill, not sure that the bungee cords are an acceptable engineering practice.



                7609210A-1970-4CEC-8B3D-754DDAAEE119B242F987-E0F4-4388-9427-D08800C7468900594298-4357-4A8B-BBD4-3173C5F90DE4 was another job that could have been done so much easier with a mill.



                  45 Chop, I love the old Harley. I bet she tractors up those hills nicely. I have a WLA “civilianised” that has been going strong since I got it in 1973, much of it pulling a sidecar. And a Servicar engine in a Featherbed frame that I have been working on for about 25 years. Will get it going one of these days!


                    Hopper, Post a picture of your 45 outfit. This was in an earlier lifetime, pre-hillclimb guise, unfortunately now gathering dust, such good fun, makes me want to bolt it on again !!


                    duncan webster 1
                      • One of the projects I will never do is to put all the controls for the bike into the sidecar and then trundle down the road and count the crashes caused when other drivers panic when they see no one on the bike
                        On 45chop Said:

                        Hopper, Post a picture of your 45 outfit. This was in an earlier lifetime, pre-hillclimb guise, unfortunately now gathering dust, such good fun, makes me want to bolt it on again !!


                        My dad on it during the years he comandeered it and rode in vintage rallies etc. And some of his old racing WLA back in the day.

                        Hmm. The site will not allow me to upload pics. Will try another day.



                        Michael Gilligan

                          Whilst admitting that I am completely out-of-touch, having not ridden any motorcycle for quite a few years now …

                          I was “lost” when reading this article in Tech Radar this morning



                          There is almost nothing in there to which I can relate !

                          … It may, or may not, be worthy of discussion here.


                            On Michael Gilligan Said:

                            Whilst admitting that I am completely out-of-touch, having not ridden any motorcycle for quite a few years now …

                            I was “lost” when reading this article in Tech Radar this morning



                            There is almost nothing in there to which I can relate !

                            … It may, or may not, be worthy of discussion here.


                            An offroad adventure bike with a range of 100 miles between charges? What will they do, plug it into the nearest tree by the side of the dirt road?

                            All seems a bit pie in the sky at the moment. Especially with a pricetag above that of an ICE BMW or Triumph adventure bike and towards double the Honda equivalent.

                            The real potential, and actual progress, is at the other end of the scale. On my recent visit to SE Asia, I saw electric scooters are becoming very popular, especially in the poorer countries where electricity is cheaper than petrol and economy is paramount. Great for around town. I did see quite a few getting pushed the last mile or two to the next village out in the countryside though.

                            But there are moves afoot to use standardised batteries across all brands so you can change over batteries at a service station. The big 4 Japanese manufacturers are signing up to this.

                            And they are producing some very competitive offroad motocross racing bikes. Light and powerful, they are very competitive, and the battery lasts long enough for one race so range is not an issue.

                            And in certain cities in China, eg Shanghai, electric scooters have almost totally replaced ICE models and EV cars are well on the way to ousting ICEs, drastically cutting local smog and noise levels.

                            Back at the big end of town, Harley Davidson has the EV Livewire bike, a sort of midsized commuter, 84HP, weighing a porky 430Lbs. Gets good reviews but range on test is only 70 miles, way less than the claimed 110 miles. So far, not a huge sales success, but motorcyclists are a conservative bunch and still like to hear the sound of fossil fuel explosions as they tool down the road.

                            Michael Gilligan

                              Thanks for the ‘sanity check’ Hopper

                              That bike just seems to carry so many mixed messages … not all of which can be true at the same time.



                                Marketing is like that!

                                Of course, in reality, most ICE “adventure bikes” go on very few adventures off the tarmac anyhow. It’s an image thing, so I guess a 100 mile range would suit some of those guys.

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