Peak4 I like the looks of those lifts. I have a bike parked permanently on top of my ride-on-to bench because it is a major faff and risky to put a bike on or off on my own.
I decided to get busy this holidays and sort out a few of my bikes so I can move things around my shed more easily and maybe get some actual bike work done. First order was fitting all my Featherbed framed bikes out with proper side stands so they can be easily moved and parked. I just can't do the centrestand thing anymore because of age and decrepitude creeping quickly up on me.
From which start I got some new enthusiasm and dragged out my old Featherbed framed Harley Sportster, aka Snortster that I built int he 1980s rode for a few years then let it languish as various parts were robbed off it for other projects. A sad sight:
First order of busines was to get rid of the gawdawful Harley Electra Glide chrome stand seen here on the floor and replace it with a Kawasaki ZX9 stand and bracket. Bit agricultural but it started out as a temporary thing to move the bike about the shed so will be set up properly when I do the alloy engine plates later on. That little blue scissor jack stand is invaluable and well worth the few dollars it cost. Has two Y brackets on top to hold bottom frame rails without the exhaust and stands getting in the way.
Through trial and error I discovered the ultimate lean angle on the side stand is 10 to 12 degrees. Far enough to feel stable, but not so far it is a hump to stand the bike upright. So I set the stand up for 9.5 degrees because I am going to fit a 3.25" front tire in place of that old 2.75. And will drop that mudguard too.
Next order was getting the front end sorted out, new seals and tubes and bushes, gaiters etc
Next, sorting the 2LS front brake, soldering cables, mounting the new front tyre. And it looks like a new sidestand has turned into a new project!
Edited By Hopper on 21/12/2022 03:26:45