Thanks for replies, and apologies for not getting back to this sooner – my wife has taken on a foster dog so I've been in woodworking mode making stair gates. C'est la vie!
William – many thanks for the info about Whitaker rings. I'm not convinced that's what going on here though – brass, very light cuts (~10 thou) slow feed. But maybe – and valuable info even if it isn't.
Bob Stevenson – I was initially sceptical about 'stages of resonance', but changing the spindle speed from 550 to 700 rpm gave different 'zones':

and returning to 550 gave results broadly similar to my first photo:

So it's mechanical. I think I understand what's going on now.
On the optical effects, I found, unsurprisingly in retrospect, that the 'spectrum' was very much dependent on camera and lighting angles. Thanks Martin.
I doubt that I can get much further in understanding optical effects without specialist kit – a trichroic beam splitter would be an absolute minimum requirement I expect. Sadly , I haven't got one
I should just be happy that I can get this finish on a mass-market hobby lathe.
Edited By Robin Graham on 30/07/2021 01:21:13
Edited By Robin Graham on 30/07/2021 01:28:35