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  • #38950
    Raymond Sanderson 2
      Raymond Sanderson 2

        After just having emailed all concerned that a recent App update for all 3 readers went through without having to delete and then install from scratch.

        Within a few days I went in to download and browse/read the latest issue of ME. No sooner did the app open up and on my Tablet and I get it opening the "Download latest App" but must uninstall first. In months gone by this has uninstalled every issue.

        Is anyone else having this problem?

        Just to make it clear I did not Uninstall and reload the new update as i had just spent 3 days downloading both ME & MEW for all my subscriptions yet again. ME is well over 3.5gig worth thats just 2 years worth.

        not done it yet

          Copy the downloads to a separate disc/drive/memory stick before making the update might be a sensible move?

          Then only mention it if it works or not?

          Maybe just continuing with the earlier version of the app might be a simpler way to go? What are the supposed improvements of the latest version? – possibly to avoid loss of previous data?


            I've not had any notifications of updates to the app.

            Don't use it much but just went into it and downloaded the latest ME to my device no problem. Did not start trying to do any updates as I used it and looks the same as it did the last time used.

            Thats on a W10 desktop machine.

            Edited By JasonB on 31/08/2018 12:23:08


              I do not use it now because it is such a load of rubbish (see reviews in Microsoft Store) but I thought I would just see if I could download anything. I have tried to look at my local magazines and after 5 minutes it has finally come up with a list of magazines and when I tried to download one it just did nothing but about 15 minutes later it appears to have downloaded it but with no indication that it had done it. Perhaps Jason is a superfast broadband connection but on my rural 10Mbs line it is totally useless.

              As a retired IT professional I would be ashamed to have anything to do with such an abysmal application.



                Just tested 37Mbps download, 15Mbps upload and 27ms ping with BT


                  I pinged all the addresses that Resource Monitor shows Pocketmags using and they all timeout.

                  Regardless of the slow response the application does not show it is downloading or how long it will take. It is the lack of user information that is most annoying.

                  To put this into context I subscribe to the print adition of Autosport, which is a weekly publication. For this I get the paper copy, access to premium information on the website and a free downloadable PDF version of the magazine.

                  Neil Wyatt

                    I've alerted Kate!


                    Raymond Sanderson 2

                      Thanks all for you input.

                      Neil thanks that was my next move.

                      Jason you once told me I could click the right corner of each magazine to download it and a number of them at a time, well during my download mania to retrieve them I tried that. At first hey all 4 at a time showed some form of download that soon came to a less than snails pace. I had to reduce it to 2 at a time and then single.


                        Well you have said previously that you have a very low connection speed, may be why it seems to be just you with the problem and MTM can't really help with that.

                        If what you say about storage size is right then each mag is about 75Mb would not fancy downloading that myself on dialup.

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