A general query about moderators and how posts with the moderator's hat on are displayed on the forum.
I've been careful to post this here, rather than in any more contentious threads.
It seems entirely reasonable that mods should be able to post on threads, in exactly the same way as any other member, as we all have something to contribute from time to time.
However, one thing I've noticed, is that if a mod is posting as a mod, the formatting of said post is exactly the same as if they were wearing their own hat, which could potentially lead to confusion, conflict, or misinterpretation.
Several of the other forums I frequent display text whilst wearing a moderators hat differently to when they are posting personal opinion.
e,g, On my local forum, the Moderators post is on a blue background; if the same mod posted with their private hat on, the text would just come up on a white background the same as everyone else's. Other forums have mods text in a different colour, or with a different banner.
Would this bulletin board software allow such niceties?
N.B. This isn't aimed as a dig at anyone, just a general query.
The other point I've thought about, is would it be possible to provide a "Preview Post" radio button along side the "Add posting" one?
All the best
Edited By peak4 on 01/02/2017 01:26:25