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  • #528547

      another thread closed today and a member left the forum, isnt it time the moderators informed offending members that there thread is about to be closed and the reason why. this might avoid members being offended and leaving with there valuable knowledge


          Perhaps they already do as it seems the correct procedure to follow.


          Former Member

            [This posting has been removed]


              This is another reason for changing forum software, the new one will make moderation a lot better for al parties. At the moment the most active Mods give their time for free and may not have the time to contact members if just popping it to take a look an check all is well. We also get to know what threads are likely to head in the direction of being argumentative or become more political so as I said this morning better to just delete from the start than have to then upset a whole load of members who had posted their views in the thread.

              I probably delete two or three threads a week and more posts and and it goes more or less un noticed it's only when the offender decides to start a second thread to make it public rather than contacting the modes by PM or e-mail that it gets noticed, those most realise they were pushing the rules and don't raise the issue.

              There are also members who seem to feel the forum is over moderated and have voiced their opinions before and talked of leaving yet they come back. Even had ones ask for there account to be deleted thus spoiling many thread but they join again under a different name.

              Former Member

                [This posting has been removed]


                  In the early days of forums, I am guilty of straying a bit sometimes and posting political or other perhaps not appropriate things on forums (not this one).

                  Live and learn as the say.

                  These days, when I post, I ask myself (before I hit the SEND button):

                  1. Is this post appropriate if my grandmother were to read it?

                  2. Does this post help others, and advance the state of the engine modeling hobby?

                  3. Is my post diplomatic, and make its point without sounding harsh and aggressive?

                  4. Does my post put things in a positive or negative light? Its the question "Is the glass half full or half empty".

                  I like to be on the "half full" side.

                  5. Am I bored and just trying to use up time, or should I get out into the shop and do something productive, and then post about that work?

                  In the end I think we all want to feel good about ourselves, offer support to others when we can, and make this hobby the best we can.

                  I wake up every day and try to do things that make this world a better place.

                  We all have that opportunity every day.


                  Edited By PatJ on 19/02/2021 17:43:43

                  Edited By PatJ on 19/02/2021 17:44:24

                  Edited By PatJ on 19/02/2021 17:44:49

                  Edited By PatJ on 19/02/2021 17:45:27

                  Former Member

                    [This posting has been removed]


                      Trouble with reading a thread like this is you end up wondering what thread it was that was closed and who was the member who took his bat and ball home and wont come out to play again. At least, not with his old name……..

                      Bit like rubber necking an accident really…… one is naturally nosey!


                        I have had my wings clipped a few times & no i am not a fruit Bat. The trouble with software driven checking can sometimes go awry. As an example , with a mobile phone if you txt & mention of anything explosive . You may get a visit from the armed police. But all you said was , hey mate i had terrible wind last night & my rear end was going off like a bomb. Totally wrong context.


                        Anthony Kendall
                          Posted by JasonB on 19/02/2021 16:50:18:


                          I probably delete two or three threads a week and more posts and and it goes more or less unnoticed ….

                          Suggest you don't know that – you only think that because nobody complains – probably because, hopefully, they have more important things in their lives..

                          That said, the forum is free and run by Neil (I think) and the moderators and they can do what they like with it.
                          Accepted, a forum has to have moderators, reasons should be obvious..
                          If people do not like anything they can leave (hopefully without making a fuss).
                          If moderators find the burden too much – don't do it. Don't expect people to be grateful – the world works differently.

                          I can't see a problem here – I can only see navel-gazing.


                            It's easy going in here compared with most of the net

                            Out there is a bit of a nightmare compared to this place

                            Howard Lewis

                              Generally, the Forum goes on quite well. Occasionally, there are minor differences, often where someone "Knows better" (but probably doesn't )

                              Generally we all try to help where possible. (Advice, demonstration, lending tools, making parts often happen )

                              In the time that I have been on here, there have only been two cases where the posts reached the stage where Mods should have taken action. Probably did.

                              One calmed down and was either told to "cool it" or realised that there is a HUGE range of knowledge and skill on here.

                              The other was so bad that I actually sent a PM saying that biting off someone's head was not the way to get help.

                              Possibly he was banned, (Reply was "Not sure if the Forum is for me" ) but we have seen and heard no more since. In reality, it was the other way round, the poster was not for the Forum.

                              OP's loss, but maybe the rest of us have had a lucky escape?

                              Those who throw the toys out of the pram and crawl away are the losers. They miss out on a lot,



                              Former Member

                                [This posting has been removed]

                                Bill Phinn

                                  Having been a mod on an unrelated forum for ten years I have to say it's a pretty thankless task, and on a busy forum involves more vigilance, labour and tact than most people think. Making at least some people unhappy is, sadly, an inevitable part of the job.

                                  While we're at it, since we have a thread here publicly discussing moderators, maybe it would be fair to invite the moderators to start a public thread entitled "members".

                                  Howard Lewis

                                    Yes, I saw that one!

                                    Forum Police? The Mods are very lenient, either that or they filter out the really bad comments so that they never are published. There is a Code of Conduct which forbids certain subjects or types of comment, and this is what guides the Moderators..

                                    Lack of free speech on here has never evident to me. But there are folk who will be looking for something at which tom take offence. Fortunately, a minority. If they decide to get bitter and twisted, they are no loss.

                                    The ones who choose to walk away, presumably because"The Forum is no good" are the losers They miss out on banter, and a lot of knowledge and interest. They miss exchanges such as this one!


                                    Former Member

                                      [This posting has been removed]

                                      larry phelan 1

                                        If you wish to please everyone all the time—————–I wish you luck, you,ll need it !smiley


                                          My thanks to the moderators for keeping this a pleasant place to visit. I have never been aware of a bad decision on their part.

                                          I visit some other forums which allow foul language, personal vilification and political bitching along with the technical content, and it's unpleasant enough that I step back from them for a while. I have never actually left a forum, though with one it was a close run thing.

                                          George B..


                                            BR my opening post was not in any way having a go at the moderators who i think do a good job. i am led to believe they do not explain in a short email to culprits why there posts are deleted. you have replied five times without addressing my genuine question,

                                            Former Member

                                              [This posting has been removed]


                                                thank you bill. gary

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