I just hit upon your thread – and I'm very interested. Obviously, you are all professionals and I'm trying to follow your arguments. But I'm confused! You started out with the idea of a steam turbine. But in the later posts, the discussion is based on air turbines – right ? That are totally different kettles of fish.
I think that your method of measuring the turbine output is not very accurate. Using a brushless generator gives you shaft power and rpm – see ME Vol.207, No.4412, September 2011 (Dampfsprinter) and ME Vol 215, No.4514 (Turbomotive). There, I also tried to determine turbine efficiency.
My latest project, the PRR-S2 is also quite successful (search YouTube under "PRR-S2, Jeggli"
. The good performance I reached more or less by trial and error. I'd love to get them supported by a more scientific approach. The problem is the turbulent steam flow in the turbine. I do not think to being able to build a more efficient multistage turbine, reducing the pressure drop to the required 0.8 Bar/stage, which would insure laminary steam flow.
At present I'm working on a lost wax cast turbine design, hopefully delivering 10 Watt shaft power at 35'000 rpm.